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Word Count: 920

Word Count: 920

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Giuliano Medici was dead.

Killed by his own spell, but used in a fight to the death against a Death Eater.

I couldn't fathom the full weight of his demise quite yet, but instincts took over as I charged through the battle to get to Giuliano. To Giuliano's killer.

I dodged other Death Eaters and curses. I wove through my friends as they faced off with their own threats. I didn't stop until I stood before Giuliano. I looked down into his open, lifeless eyes, then looked upon the faceless Death Eater with raw hatred. I never imagined I would want to kill someone in my lifetime, but the sudden bloodlust seized me then.

With a raw scream, I fired upon the Death Eater.

His deflection was sluggish, as if he hadn't been expecting me to attack.

I fired again. And again and again and again.

The Death Eater deflected each spell, never returning one of his own as I backed him into a corner.

At last, one of my spells found their mark. His deflection was slow, and the spell half hit his face, shattering his mask. The pieces of the mask fell to the floor, and his hood fell back.

I raised my wand to fire again rapidly, but my breath caught at the sight of him.

Familiar golden-brown eyes met mine.

His dark, slicked-back curls fell over his forehead.

My hand shook. My wand trembled. Slowly, I lowered both, then gaped in horror at the Death Eater who had killed Giuliano.

Francesco Pazzi.

He said nothing. He didn't even try to explain his actions or how he came to be where he was now—standing beside Giuliano's dead body in Death Eater robes.

"We have to go!" Quincy cried. He grabbed my arm and began dragging me away.

Though Francesco could say nothing, I at last found my voice. A guttural cry ripped out of my lungs as I screamed at him, "How could you!"

As Quincy and others dragged me kicking and screaming from the Department of Mysteries, the last look I had of the battle scene was an empty room save for Giuliano's lifeless body and Francesco standing over him.


There had to be an explanation.

At least, that was what the last innocent kernel of my heart told me. The rest of my hardened, torn apart heart told me Francesco had lied to me. He had selfishly used me, and maybe he cared for me to some degree—hence why he warned me to stay away—but how could I have been so stupid as to fall for a monster?

When the other Death Eaters had suddenly disapparated, the DA members knew it was time to go. Voldemort had to be near.

We left Giuliano in the Department of Mysteries and raced to the atrium. Chaos erupted the moment we did. More Death Eaters fired upon us while others skipped about to destroy the Ministry lobby.

Francesco was nowhere to be seen, and it was probably for the best. Had I seen him again, I might have killed him myself.

We were corralled and rounded up till the Death Eaters had disarmed each and every one us. They put us on our knees and held us at wand point. We were going to die just like Giuliano. Francesco had tried to warn me, but this was still his fault. He still plaid a part in this horrific crime.

"Look at the little heroes," one of the vile Death Eaters cackled. "They're wetting their pants now. Can I kill them?"

"Patience, Bellatrix."

The voice sent a shiver down my spine. It sounded like the voice of Death himself, and I wondered if I had already died.

Barefoot, clad in flowing black robes, and with the skin of a snake, the man who had spoken glided into the atrium.

Bellatrix, the Death Eater much too excited to kill us, dropped into a deep curtsy. "My Lord," she breathed reverently.

I lifted my eyes, and for what I hoped would be the last time ever, I beheld Lord Voldemort in the flesh. Alive.

It felt like a horrible trade. Giuliano dead, and now the most hated and evil wizard in history got to walk the earth again.

I turned my head at the sound of catching flames. Green fire flared in the gilded fireplaces. Suddenly, witches and wizards in all states of dress flew into the atrium.

Right at the forefront was the Minister himself with Perry leading the group.

"He's back." The Minister gaped.

Before another battle ensued, the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters disapparated either because they didn't think they could win or because they had already found what they came for. I would have bet money on the latter.

The adults rushed us to make sure we were okay, but it was Perry who got to us first. As he helped me to my feet, his eyes roved over the group. "Where's Giuliano?" he asked.

I shook my head. Without realizing it, silent tears began streaming down my face.

As Perry pulled me into a hug that he needed more than I did, I closed my eyes and tried to banish the image of Francesco standing over Giuliano's body.


To be continued!!

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