Money Trouble

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{ Hey, loves. Welcome to my newest Klance book.  Like everyone else, it seems like I can hate Voltron but still love Klance. So here we are. Hopefully this book will help you heal your wounds like it helps me. Keith and Lance remind me very much of their season one selves in this book, and that's intentional. I hope it gives you nostalgia. 

If you're new here, hi. I'm Soki. I leave author's notes most of the time. Here's where you'll find trigger warnings if there is anything discussed such as eating disorders, self harm, blood, violence, or anything else I feel might disturb people. I doubt this story will have most of those things, but those are just examples. 

I won't ramble. Thank you for picking my book. Votes and comments are greatly appreciated! Anyways, love you all. Let's dive right in.

TRIGGERS: alcoholism, dead parent, brief mentions of fist fighting}


It all started with a punch. That was how Keith's life changed forever.

" You think he's gonna get a coffee for his dead mom, too?"

" Omg! You can't say things like that!"

" Tch. What? It's true. I saw him leave one in the cemetery-"

Keith normally would've ignored it, he really would've. But with high school being almost over and his tolerance for bullies growing weaker by the day, he couldn't. Yeah, his mom was dead. He could thank the drunk driver who hit her on her way home from work ten years earlier. And yeah, sometimes he would leave a latte at her grave, since she always drank them.

However... the bullies at school couldn't just leave it at the building. When their paths crossed at the trendy cafe down the street a few times a week, things were always eventful, even if one sided. Not that day, though.

Keith turned around from the counter before he could order his drink, staring the group of teenagers down and narrowing his eyes.

" I dare you to keep talking, asswipe..." He said in a menacing tone. The fact that he was wearing ripped jeans and a Pierce the Veil sweatshirt really helped him when he wanted to look scary to normal people.

The ringleader rolled his eyes.

" What are you gonna do? Hit me with your car? Oh wait... that's right... you won't drive-"

Keith honestly didn't know what came over him in that moment. It started as a primal rage as he grabbed him by his shirt and yanked him from the chair. The girls sitting around started to scream and the others were too pussy to try and separate them. It was just a punching fest as they rolled around on the floor, and the cafe worker was already calling the police by then.

The funny thing about being really angry was that it made his punches harder, and Keith liked that as he stood up and wiped his nose, kicking him in the gut as a final blow.

" If you ever so much as think about my mom again, even god won't be able to help you..." He spit on him and walked out of the shop without ordering anything, and everyone else watched him in a terrified way.

" What a freak!"

Even though he had managed to flee the scene before the cops could arrive, he was later being questioned at the station. He was 18, so his dad didn't have to be there. And that was mighty convenient, since he was probably slobbering drunk by then anyways.

Long story short, assaulting someone in the middle of a cafe didn't serve his college scholarship well. The full ride he'd received for academics was cut down to 50% as soon as the school heard about his charges. And even though he went to court and didn't regret it, he had bigger problems on his hands. No money for school would be an issue. His dad had drank up his college fund so that was a bust.

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