Golden Gate Bridge

Start from the beginning

" well, we don't have any problem throwing a punch now do we Jenna?" Audrey said to Jenna.

" Not at all,  but we just don't want to show up and save the city and they come after us later perhaps we need a disguise or something" Jenna suggested.

" Well, disguise isn't going to be that hard, in fact, I already designed suits for all of you"Randolf said.

" Now that's what I'm talking about bro" Tyler said and was about to bump fists with his twin.

" Uh, please no body contact between you two" Stephanie said.

" oh, sorry I almost forgot" Tyler said as he kept his fist to himself.

Travis brought a glass bowl full of black round objects looking like coins and dropped it on the table.

" these are your suits". Randolf said as  he showed took the bowl round for them to pick.

They looked at it awkwardly.

" so this is our suit Huh? " Charlene asked sarcastically.

" so what's this supposed to do?, protect our eyeballs?" Audrey added.

" actually, it's a transform-coin,  Steph and I have been working on it for days now" Randolf said.

" so what's the magic word?" Mae asked.

"there really isn't a magic word" Stephanie said.

" then how do we transform with this? " Elson asked.

" just place it on the left side of your chest, it'll attach itself automatically" Stephanie explained.

They placed the black coin on their chest and immediately it attached itself, their outfits transformed into black leather looking suits but with slight differences. The suits had belt straps with cartridges on both sides of the shoulder for the guys but running down the waist for the girls except Lenora who also had her belt strap on her shoulder because her suit had a pink shirt attached to the black overalls.

Tyson and Tyler's suit had a thick blue stripe running from the left shoulder down to the right part of their waists.

Elson's suit was also in the same design but had red stripe running on his own.   Charlene's suit was totally black no color running and her belt strap and cartridges were on her waist.

" cool, thank goodness it's all black" Charlene said with a smile.

" dark queen, looking good" Mae complimented.

" you aren't looking bad yourself" Charlene said as she eyed Mae's  green stripe.

Audrey had white stripe on hers while Jenna had purple on hers.

The suits also came with boots reaching their knees and gloves that exposed their fingers.

" those suits are made of polythime leather and carbranian metal" Stephanie said.

" no wonder it's all thick" Elson said as he touched it.

" the little button on the right part of your chest brings out the mask" Randolf added.

" they are also trackers and micro walkie talkies on the suits to enable you communicate with each other"

" cool, so let's get going, we've got a bridge to save" Audrey said.

" Danica, you sure you don't wanna come? " Mae asked.

" Uh, No I'll just stay here with Miss Walker and the guys" Danica said.

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