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*Los Angeles - 7:30 pm*

Miracle POV:

*FaceTime call*

Me: "Tima. Listen. There's no way possible that he's with Mariah. She wasn't there. I only saw his car. He didn't mention not one thing about her. And he talks about her a lot. If she was there, she woulda walked out talkin' shit towards and about me..."

Time: "*chuckles* Girl. They are still very much engaged. Their wedding is, literally, right around tha corner. Travis can vouch for that. He's tha Best Man. He's just pissed about his house. And you poppin' up...was tha last thing he expected..."

I sigh and sit on my couch.

Tima: "Why haven't you got over any of this yet? You just gotta accept that he's marrying MeMe..."

Me: "I can't do that..."

Tima: "Why not?"

Me: "I'm in love with him, Tima..."

She stares at me. I slowly nod so I can confirm she heard me right.

Tima: "Tha hell...?"

Me: "It's actually been some time now. It wasn't just sex for me. I actually love him. When I heard he was marrying Mariah...that truly broke my heart. I just never told him because of tha fact I knew who he loved and wanted. There are a few things he doesn't know..."

Tima: "Ummm. You needa talk to him before anything else happens to prevent you from doin' it. Especially since he's talkin' about moving..."

Me: "Good point. I'll see if he'll be up for it...."

Tima: "Good luck...."

Me: "Thanks. Imma need it..."

*Call ends*

I sigh and get up. I grab my keys and leave.

*Aug's house*

When I pull up...I start to panic a little. I get out my car and go ring tha door bell.

August: "Who is it!?"

I don't say anything.

August: "Nobody?!"

I'm really nervous to even speak. I hear him cock a gun then he opens tha door.

Me: "Hey, dude!"

August: "Tha fuck?! What do you want?! Why do you pop up?! Why tha fuck you ain't say shit?! I coulda saved that energy!"

Me: "I figured if I did, you wouldn't have answered. I just need to have a real...sit down conversation with you. Tima urged it on..."

August: "I bet she did. I guess I'll let you in. No funny shit. I'll smack tha fuck outta you. Talk fast..."

Me: "Damn. Alright."

I walk in and we go in tha livin' room. I sit down and he sits across from me. I just admire him. He's so fuckin' sexy.

August: "Wassup?"

Whew! And that accent! Focus Miracle!!

Me: "Ummm...well. I don't know how to say it..."

August: "Bluntly..."

I just look at him. I look down and sigh. Then I look him in his eyes.

Me: "Although we started off as just friends with benefits. I caught feelings for you as time went by..."

August: "I figured that out on my own.."

Me: "No. I mean...major feelings. I wanted you. Obviously I still do..."

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