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*Next Day*

Mariah POV:

So much has happened in this little amount of time. I've been an emotional mess. Literally in like forty-eight hours, I went from pissed ta engaged.

That was honestly tha most sincere I've ever seen August. He actually made me feel tha honesty from him. On top of that...he really risked his feelings by proposing ta me. And that's why I said yes.

I decided ta move back home. This place was only temporary until I found a place I loved. I'm juss putting my things in storage.

Bresha: "Well, hello there newly engaged woman. How do you feel?"

Me: "Happy. It's about time..."

Bresha: "*laughs* Y'all went through all that...juss ta be in this position..."

Me: "I was waiting fa an sincere apology from him..."

Bresha: "He was givin' you sincere apologies. You juss didn't accept them..."

Me: "*chuckles* Nah. That's not what I mean. I knew he was fucked up bout that whole situation. It showed. But, I wanted him ta be sincere...from his heart. Ta me...and himself. I wanted him ta be done wit whatever bullshit he had goin' on. I wanted him ta get over whatever bullshit he had goin' on wit that bitch. I wanted him ta be serious. Having a family means tha world ta me. I didn't have that coming up. That's why I try so hard ta keep it. This may be crazy ta other people. But, fa Aug and I...it's not. Granted....I was pissed off he came at two in tha morning ringing my doorbell. But, I'm glad he did. I was pissed when I woke up though! Hella pissed!"

Bresha: "But, you see what you two have though..."

Me: "I know. And I say all that shit outta anger. Knowing I don't mean it. I love him. I tried moving on. You see where that's got me..."

Bresha: "Right back!"

Me: "Exactly. He better not fuck up again. Because death do us part. I'd kill him. Period..."

She starts laughing. I'm not playing. As I was zipping my suitcase, my doorbell goes off. I raise my eyebrow and look at Bresha.

Bresha: "Was Aug comin' by?"

Me: "No. He has Mel. Unless he's coming ta give me a kiss-"

Bresha: "He got enough yesterday didn't he?"

Me: "Shut up! My point is...he has no reason ta pop up. So, it's obviously someone that shouldn't be hea'...."

Bresha: "Like who?"

Then they bang on the door.

Me: "I know tha fuck...."

I jog downstairs and go towards my door. When I open it...Miracle is standing there.

Me: "Bitch! What tha-"

Miracle: "Where's August?"

Me: "Wit himself. Go tha fuck home..."

Miracle: "I need to talk to him..."

I push my door and she stops it.

Me: "Do you wanna get shot?!"

Bresha: "You good, MeMe?! You know I'm wit tha shits!"

Me: "I'm good! I'll be even better when this ho leave..."

Miracle: "I asked for one thing!"

She juss raised ha voice at me. I juss stare. I walk off around tha corner and go ta my table. I take out my pistol and check ta see if it's loaded.

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