Chapter 1: Letter

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Gregory Edgeworth didn't really hate it, but it was boring. Mind numbingly so. It was the only aspect of his profession he'd say he disliked. He went through whatever paperwork remained, hoping to God that something this cumbersome wouldn't delay him from picking up his son. He deserved as much. Though Miles could walk home on his own, Gregory worried about how safe that was. He found himself smiling as he thought of his boy. He considered himself lucky to have such a smart, mature son. Thinking of Miles made even the most tiresome work bearable.

"Mr. Edgeworth!" Gregory looked up from his desk hearing the voice and the knocks on his door. "Come in, Raymond." The door clicked open to reveal a young man with coiled black hair and bright eyes. "I found this in the mail. It's addressed to you." He held out a brown envelope. Gregory reached out and took the envelope from Raymond's fingers. His eyes flitted towards the stamp, which revealed where this came from. Italy. Odd. He thought. Curious, he immediately opened it, to reveal a letter that went like this:

Dear Mr. Edgeworth

Greetings. My name is Edmund Vale. I'm sure you must be surprised to receive a letter all the way from Italy. The truth is; I require your services.

The town where I live, Serinico, has been haunted by a series of murders by an individual given the name 'the Blood Reaper'. For weeks, this devil has murdered countless townspeople, evading capture, disappearing like the wind whenever the police is about to catch him. This "Reaper's" latest victim left a clue to the killer's identity. And it points to me.

I know not why. I have harmed no one and I most certainly would not harm as much as a flea. However, I have a reputation as a misanthrope, which the townspeople do not like. They consider me some sort of a devil, for the simple reason I like to keep to myself and rarely speak to anyone. Not one lawyer in this town will take my case, not one man or woman believes me. I am alone in the very place I was brought up and the very place I live.

My only friend, Silena (Ms. Bellanova) has often told me about your ability as an attorney. She speaks very highly of you. She describes you as man who seeks the truth, and you are just the kind of person I desperately need to defend me. Someone unbiased. Someone who seeks the truth.

However, I know I ask for too much. It may not be possible for you to come to Italy, all the way from America. Whether you chose to defend me or not, I only ask you to inform me, so that I can be certain of where I stand.

Gregory found himself intrigued by this man's story. And, quite honoured that Silena would speak so highly of him. He was friendly with her, having her to be the judge in quite a few cases in which he took up the defense, but was unaware that the no-nonsense, pragmatic, stern judge thought of him so highly, because in court she was known for these quips:

"Defense, you have exactly 5 minutes to explain to me how your theory makes even the slightest bit of sense."

"Detective. Facts. Not opinions."

"Prosecution, I am sorry, but you have to be inebriated to make that sort of a claim."

"Prosecutor von Karma, are you the one with the gavel and on the highest seat over here? No. So don't overstep your bounds, or you'll be thrown out on the basis of contempt of court. You are not indispensable."

"Defense, can you make sense for 2 minutes, please?"

"Order in this court! Members of gallery, quieten down for heaven's sake! This is not the place for gossiping!"

"We have three days, not three years for this case, so could the lot of you please hurry up?"

"Witness, please! Restrain yourself. This is not some courtroom drama. For God's sake don't be so melodramatic."

Yes. It most certainly was a surprise that the woman who'd say all this would think of him so highly. Although it was true she was never so brusque with him.

"What is it, Mr. Edgeworth?" Raymond asked, his eyes shining with curiousity. Gregory quickly explained the contents of the letter to him. Raymond immediately started noting down the details, and after he was done, he tore the page and ate it. A quaint habit of his, something Gregory had forced himself to get used to. "Interesting..." He murmured, chewing. He looked questioningly at him. "Will you accept, Mr. Edgeworth?" Gregory furrowed his brows. As much as he wanted to help Mr. Vale, for the tone of the letter moved him, he couldn't quite leave his son alone. "There are a few reasons I can't leave." He said slowly. Raymond blinked. "What reasons?" He asked. "My son." He replied. Raymond's eyes widened. "Ah, that's right!" He then looked sad. "Then... That's a no?" Gregory felt sad as well, but it just couldn't be helped. "It seems so." He said softly.

A far off knocking interrupted this conversation. "I'll go see who it is." Raymond said as he shot off. A few moments later, Gregory heard a distant exclamation of surprise, then a pair of footsteps. The door to his office opened. "There's someone who wants to speak with you, Mr. Edgeworth." Raymond said, clearly startled. Gregory mirrored his assistant's reaction as Raymond stepped aside to reveal who it was.

"Justice Bellanova?"

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