one of them picked corbyn back up and wrapped his hand around his neck. the others started throwing punches at corbyns stomach and face. he yelled at in pain as one hit his nose.

he felt either tears or blood run down his face. "s-s-stop please" he whimpered out. "no. fucking die you bitch" one of the boys yelled.

as corbyn was talking more and more punches he thought that maybe this was the end and he didn't really care. as one punch hit his lower area he fell to the ground and held his dick in his hands in pain. he had tears running down his face. he thought it was over, but as soon as he thought that, one of the boys pulled out a knife and held it to his throat.

corbyn was scared and anxious he wanted to die, but he was also scared to. he didn't know if being stabbed could compare to the pain in his heart. "awh look at him boys. hes scared" one of them spat out. "if your gonna kill me do it already" corbyn yelled out.

the boys looked at him in shock then looked at each other. they put the knife up to corbyns throat, then easily took it away.

"let's bounce" one of the boys said before stabbing corbyn in the stomach. corbyn dropped to the ground in a puddle of blood. the only thing he could process was the boys the opposite direction of him.

he tried to yell out and scream out, but his body let him down. he knew this was the end and believe it or not. he was glad it was.


as corbyn left i saw tears build up in his eyes. him and i haven't had a normal conversation since the breakup. when we both where in the room, it would get to hard to breath because the tension was so wide.

after corbyn left i went over and sat down by the guys who where watching a movie. i placed myself in between zach and jack and just tried to enjoy myself without a certain blonde on my mind.

it became 2 hours later and corbyn still had no showed up. by this point i was pacing around my room calling him, but it would just go to voicemail.

i checked his location and saw he was in downtown L.A. and was confused on why he would walk all the way over there.

i didn't waste anytime before getting in my car and making my way to him.

i didn't understand the problem at first. at first i just thought he had placed himself on a park bench thinking to himself. i never really thought about the real things that could of happened to my corbyn who wasn't so mine anymore. as i pulled up to the spot my gps lead me i saw nobody.

i got out of the car to make sure corbyn wasn't actually here, but as i walked closer to a trashcan i saw blood and blond hair.

my heart sank.

i ran over to the person i was hoping wasn't corbyn. as i got closer i saw who it was.

it was corbyn.

i fell to my knees and broke down into tears. there was a knife plunged into the center of his stomach and bruises all over his face followed by dried up blood and tears. i pulled out my phone and dialed 911. it took a couple minutes due to my hands being so shaky.

"911 what is your emergency" they picked up.

"h-h-help my boyfriend. no my ex he was on a walk and he got jumped and he's dying please send help" i cried out while running my hands through his hair. she asked for my location then hung up.

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