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daniels POV

today was the day the boys and i where recording for the music video chills while we where in aspen.

we all knew this music video had to be spot on and perfect because it'll be our last song for a while.

right they are recording corbyns part and everytime he does something wrong they yell at him harder and louder than any other times.

"corbyn you know what to fucking do, so stop wasting my time with you, and just get it right" our director yelled at him while he was staring at the ground. "and also get jonahs jacket off right now" as said that corbyn threw off jonahs jacket and started recording his part.

this time he let off more energy which was a good thing, but at the end of the day it just wasn't good enough.

after corbyn got yelled at one more time, he was thrown off the set.

i felt completely bad and concerned as when he walked away he stumbled a bit.

he immediately walked over to me and broke in my arms as i just held him tightly getting nervous for when my time comes.

"shhhh it's okay corbs shh i got you" he just kept sobbing and sobbing. i knew this wasn't something he could control.

"fuck dani im so tired" "i know bud, but we need to finish this okay?" he nodded his head and let my arms as my name was called.

i walked inside undressed but still in my boxers and sat in a bath tub that was cold as fuck.

as the music started, i lil sync and did everything i was supposed to, it just wasn't good enough.

after getting yelled at and redoing the same scene 12 time, i felt tired. no i felt exhausted.

i put my clothes back on and stubbled out of the house and back to where everyone else was.

"hey you okay, you look extremely tired" i shake my head. "n-n-no im completely fine" jack gave me a concerned look as he walked away.

i then started to feel dizzy as we started to record the part with me and all the guys.

i just simply ingnored it and did my thing.

i looked over to an also tired corbyn who seemed in distress.

the music stopped and our manager said everyone did it right expect corbyn, so we had to run it again.

i then felt my legs get suddenly weak, but again i just shook it off.

"okay corbyn your out no video for you just get your ass inside" i then see jonah get really mad, probably because this was his boyfriend he was talking about.

he walked up to the director and pushed him backwards and got up in his face.

"ya know what? you have alot of guts to come in here and think you know shit. daniel and corbyn have been doing this shit for 3 fucking years, they know exactly what there doing. your. fucking. fired " he yelled in his face as a fight broke out.

i saw everyone jump in except me and corbyn.

i then felt my mouth get really dry as i started throwing up everywhere.

i heard cries from either corbyn and zach.

i heard yells from jack and jonah.

i then felt myself get really weak as i collapsed to the ground, as that's the last thing i remember, before im out cold.

corbyns POV

as everyone was fighting i was crying.

not because of them.

but i was completely tired.

as i was in a train if thought, i then see daniel let out a small whimper then fall to the ground.

i let out a loud scream as everyone looked at me as i ran to daniel.

i shook him lightly but not a single response.

all of the boys ran over and jonah picked him up, as jack comforted me.

we all piled in the car and was on our way to the hospital with a passed out daniel as i suddenly threw up.

i felt all the limbs in my body grow weak, as i saw black.

jonahs POV

as we all where piled into the car, corbyn threw up, and passed out just like daniel had done.

by this point we all where in panic mode not knowing what was wrong without two bandmates.

as i parked the car, jack carried daniel as i carried corbyn.

when we enter the hospital we all started shouting at once.

"help they passed out we need a doctor." eventually doctors came and took the two boys away.

•2 hours later•

"daniel seavey and corbyn besson" we all stood up, as our boys names where called.

"okay so they both where extremely exhausted and didn't drink any water at any period of time today, they both are currently awake and you can go see them both now in room 132"

we all smiled and made our way towards there room.

as entered there where iv's in both the boys arms but the smile on there faces never left.

we all hugged both of them, as i kissed corbyn.

that night we all stayed with the two loving boys and stayed up till midnight for our music video.

once it came out, we all where suddenly glad we had a 5 month break coming up.

{jonah n corbs got stuck in the mountains together alone. fuckin mood.}

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