j.m.<no inspiration>

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jonah was confused more less lost. the boys and him had to write a new song and send in the lyrics by midnight.

this task was given 2 weeks ago, but 2 weeks ago jonah had no inspiration to write and 2 weeks later he still had no inspiration.

he would feel he wasn't good enough for the other boys, who had finished their parts of the song already. the song had to be about love, but jonah didn't know much.

all he knew was how bad his heart hurt when corbyn had a girlfriend and how hard it was to see him broken.

jonah knew he felt something for the boy he just didn't realize it at the time.

as he was sitting at his desk with paper and a pencil in his hand he write words down, but then crumble it up and throw it away.

he let out a heavy sigh due to the stress and pressure. he looked over at his clock and saw it said 11:36. he only had roughly around 30 minutes to complete his part in the song, but nothing came to thought.

jonah hadn't even realized he had been crying until he let out a loud sob, covered up by a hiccup. he was 21 and was crying over something so little, but it was the littlest things that would hurt him the most.

he started breathing harder as he looked at the clock and saw it was 11:49. he then started sobbing harder unable to control his breathing. he stood up and slammed himself onto his bed.


across the hall a couple doors away layed a confused corbyn. he had heard jonahs sobs, but has never seen or heard him cry since the band become a thing.

he gently got up and made his way to his room. as he approached the sobs grew louder and his heart beat faster.

as he placed his hand on the doorknob he quickly doubted himself not want to see his crush crying.

but leaving him in this kind of distress was definitely not an option. not for corbyn at least.

as he opened jonahs door he saw tiny pieces of paper everywhere and broken pencils.

as he made his way over to the bed jonah turned over quickly upon hearing a noise. he froze. seeing corbyn without a shirt made him smile. but then his thoughts took over again.

he quickly sat up on the bed wiping his eyes with his hands. "what do you need corbyn" he asked like nothing was happening.

"i heard you crying. a-a-are you okay?" corbyn stuttered as a wave of nervousness hit him. jonah looked up at him and broke down for the second time that night, all he wanted or needed was a hug and someone to tell him he could do it and that they believe in him, because currently jonah didn't believe in himself. to him he had nothing and nothing was all he ever had.

corbyn gently took jonah in his arms and stroked his hair whispering sweet nothings in his ear. he leaned back so jonah was laying against his chest listening to his ragged heartbeat. jonah cried and cried. he was too overwhelmed by the thought he wasnt good enough.

"shh it's okay jo, im here" corbyn whispered to him. jonah stopped crying and was just sniffling. he looked up at corbyn and smiled.

he had finally heard it. the 2 words that where so little, but meant so much to him. as he was looking at corbyn he wanted to lean in. he wanted to lean in and kiss him so many times. he defeated the temptations and got off the bed.

corbyn followed.

"why where you crying" corbyn asked picking at his fingers not wanting to get yelled at by saying the wrong things. he looked at jonah with innocent eyes.

"the song we all had to write, it's due in 5 minutes and i haven't even started." he looked corbyn in the eyes. "i tried corbyn, i really did but it's like all my inspiration left me" he yelled out in a angrily voice scaring corbyn just a little.

"i can help you if you want" corbyn said making jonah look up at him. jonah scoffed. "yeah like we can write a whole ass verse in 4 minutes."

"we can. you just have to trust me" corbyn said yanking jonahs hand and shoving him into his chair. corbyn placed himself on top of jonahs desk swinging his feet.

"it has to be love. so just think of someone or something that makes you take double takes all the time because they truly catch your eyes. think of the times you spend with them and how you never wanna let them go. just write from the heart. imagine them right in front of you" corbyn spoke.

the thing is, jonah didn't have to imagine the person. the person he thought about on the daily was sitting right in front of him. jonah couldn't help but start crying again. even though the person he wanted was sitting right there, writing a song about him would of been a lie, because he would never want him the same.

jonah got up and ran to the bathroom locking himself in. he knelt down and threw up due to nerves. corbyn ran after him.

"jonah please. i need you to come out. i can help you. i know im just a little blonde boy with fake hair, but i can help you. your not alone" corbyn cried out.

jonah hated hearing corbyn cry. it's was his worst fear. it continued to break him as corbyn cried afraid if losing his best friend.

he heard jonah throwing up and that made him wanna cry.

jonah got up and unlocked the bathroom door. he took corbyn into his arms and sobbed.

"im here jonah. i promise. you'll never be alone. not as long as im here" corbyn spoke truthfully.

jonah looked up and cupped corbyns cheeks. jonah really thought he was gonna get a kiss from his all time lover.

but he was wrong. jonah just stared at him. "let's finish this song" jonah spoke. he grabbed corbyns hand and pulled him to his desk, once again jonah sat down, and corbyn hopped on top of his desk once again swinging his feet.

"you remember what i said" corbyn smiled looking at jonah. jonah nodded and smiled.

jonah looked up at corbyn who was smiling while looking at the ground. that gave jonah inspiration. so much inspiration he could of written a whole song, maybe even 3.

corbyn knew jonah the best. he saw jonah through his hurt eyes, but would never ever judge him. jonah saw this.

as jonah started writing he looked up and corbyn and started at him thinking of the perfect words.

he started writing again with a smile on his face. he looked back up and saw corbyn looking at him. that gave him so much more inspiration than he had before.

jonah stood up and stood in between corbyns thighs. "im done" jonah stated while staring into corbyns beautiful eyes. "sing it for me" corbyn spat out.

you know me the best
you know my worst, see me hurt, but you don't judge.
that right there, is the scariest feeling.

opening and closing up again
ive been hurt so i don't trust
now here we are, staring at the ceiling.

as jonah sung corbyn listened. he listened to every lyric and he grew fond of them right away.

"you did it" corbyn said while pulling jonah into a hug. "only because of you" jonah spoke while pulling away cupping his cheeks once again.

"w-w-whos it about" corbyn broke out. jonah smiled.

"it's about you. everything has been about you since day one. god corbyn i love you so much." he said smashing his lips against corbyns.

when they both pulled away there hearts where pounding.

"you taught me all that i know jonah. i love you too"

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