As I pack up my equipment after a long, long shoot, I hear a person clear their throat behind me.
I spin around. There stands Niall, in casual clothes once again.
I smile. "Hey!"
"Hey, was wondering if you had a mobile number or an Instagram or something? Like to keep in touch..?" He says, scratching the back of his head nervously.
I start, surprised. "Oh, yeah. Got contacts on your phone?"

He hands me his phone. I tap on my number, as well as my Instagram, and my name.

He takes it back and scans it. "Tessa..pretty name,"
I smile, blushing. "Well."
My lift, my roommate, Mia, who's been in the area today, beeps their horn-reminding me that I need to hurry up.

"Oh, that's Mia. Got to dash," I say, hurriedly. He grabs my arm and pulls me in for another heavenly hug. I smile softly at him and get into the passenger seat.

Niall waves at me; I smile and wave back.

"Dude!" Mia exclaims. I blush. "What?"
"He's so into you!"
"He asked for my number!" I squeal as we drive away.
She frowns. "But what if it's just.. for photography purposes..?"
I shrug, now realizing that's most likely. "Never mind, Mia. Forget I said anything."
"Kate, I'm sorry to bust your bubble, but.."
I sigh. "Yeah, it's ok, I-"
We're interrupted by my phone beeping.

+44 000 000
hey kate, it's niall . would you mind coming for coffee somewhere tomorrow ? on me 😉

"Shit!" I say.
"What?!" says Mia, a little freaked out.
"He texted!"

"Oh my god! What did he say?!"
"He wants to go for coffee tomorrow!"
"Tess!!" Mia screams. I blink. "Yeah?"

"He's so into you!"
I roll my eyes. "He's so out of my league."

"Oh yeah, until he professes his unconditional love for you and kisses you and you make out and then he takes you home and-"

I choke. "Ha, right. Like he's ever going to do that over coffee. He'll hire me as his professional photographer before that happens."

"He should! Great idea!"

I facepalm. "Mia, shut up."

caitlin xo

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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