Dedicated to CaraCoolie

I sit at the back of my taxi, wondering how this shoot will go. How is Niall in real life? Is he cute? Funny? Charming?

My camera lies next to me. My assistant, Lea, dropped off the other equipment at the location already.
I breathe out softly. I'm finally meeting my idol. I've been a fan since 2010, when I was 15. Ten years ago. I'd wished forever for them to reunite, and I hope they'll have a reunion of some sort.

"Here we are, luv!" The typical Cockney accent of the taxi driver chimes in, interrupting my thought train.

"Thank you so much!" I say distractedly.
"The drive's on me, luv. No worries."
I widen my eyes. "No, no! It's okay! I'll pay," I say hurriedly, glancing at the dashboard. £40.
He winks. I look at his face, his twinkly blue eyes winking at me behind his Dumbledore-esque beard.

"Shoo shoo. Good luck!"
I sigh in exasperation. Fine then!
"Thank you so much!"
He shooes me out. I grab my camera and wave as I exit the taxi.

I hurry to the set, rushing.
I stop and stare. We are in the middle of a quiet street, with remains of a building site in the background. In the middle of it all stands a random, cheapo plastic chair.
I snort.

"What on earth-?"
A chuckle, a male chuckle, emits behind me.
I spin around in my grey Vans, rather tight black jeans, and my grey crop top, as well as my messy topknot. I push my black glasses up my nose.

I freeze. There, in all of his attractiveness, stands Niall Horan.
I intake a breath. "Hey," I say, smiling, twiddling with my camera around my neck.
I extend a hand.
He leans past my hand and hugs me. My eyes widen as I breathe in Hugo Boss, cinnamon and soap. What is life?

He leans away and runs a hand through his hair sheepishly. "Not a shake kinda guy,"
I giggle, a tiny explosion leaving my mouth. "Figured."
He smiles at me, a lazy, lopsided grin that makes me weak at the knees.

"So, who're you?" He says to me.
"Well, I'm the photographer," I say, gesturing to my camera.
"So you're wearing that for your shoot?" I gesture to his high-tops, sweats and a T-shirt.

"Oh God no," An extremely pretty blonde girl simpers, appearing.
Niall chuckles. "I wish,"

I feel super insignificant as the girl flirts with Niall. He however, seems merely disinterested, distracted.

An older woman appears, speaks to him and he follows her to an old shipping container.

I go and set up my camera.

*twenty minutes later*

I tap on my phone, sorting out meetings for tomorrow.
The pretty girl from earlier clears her throat.
"We're ready," She simpers. I smile stiffly.

Niall strides on to 'set', looking extremely hot, wearing white jeans, a white vest and a stripy blue button up shirt.
I bite my lip. He's god damn attractive.
He walks over to me.
I gesture to the chair. "Whaddya wanna do?" I say.
He walks up to the cheapo chair and stands on it.

I giggle. "Okay?" I say uncertainly.
He looks at me quizzically. "So.. what should I do?"
I take a good look. "I think we'll edit the background to a thunderstorm.. Heartbreak Weather, right?"
He grins. "You're a fan, aren't you?"
I open my mouth in denial. "No!" I blush.
He shakes his head knowingly. "Yeah, yeah,"

I change the subject. "I think I'll take the photo from the right. I think you should just look around, naturally. Just stand there."
He nods.

After I've snapped enough pictures, I make a suggestion. "D'you wanna make some bloopers?"
He starts to laugh. "Of course!"
He sits in the chair and shoots me the infamous 'one raised eyebrow' look.
I giggle again (God, what's with the giggling?)
and take more shots as he changes positions.

caitlin xo

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