Chapter 4 Going Insane

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Again, back in front of that damn door. Taehyung was inside of course. He was trying a lot of code keys, But honestly Yoongi thought that the code key must be easier than what Taehyung was trying. He wanted to help Taehyung, but also didn't know if he could handle it. 

To not go insane, it would be the best idea to just help Taehyung and help himself at the same moment as well. The only question now is: How? Yoongi is obviously too scared to prove Taehyung wrong, especially in this situation. 

So confused, not even noticing where he was going. Yoongi walked back to his own room. Now standing in front of the window again. Closing his eyes and trying to organize his thoughts, when the door opens. He flinches and turns around to look at the person, Jimin. "Why do you always show up when my mind is conflicted, Jimin?" Jimin let out a slight chuckle "Guess it became a habit, hyung" he walked up to yoongi and Yoongi stared him down, making him turn his gaze to the ground. "Sorry hyung, not the right time to joke around. Want to talk about it?" Now it was Yoongi to let out a slight chuckle. "Yes and no, but I think it's best to keep it at yes." Jimin's eyes met his again. "Yes, because you promised? And no, because you feel like you're still not ready for it?" Yoongi turned to the window and sighted "Maybe". 

Jimin laughed. "What do you want to do?" Yoongi looked at him and shook his head. "I can't" Jimin looked at him confused "You can't? What are you talking about, hyung?" Yoongi shook his head again "I'm just a coward" Jimin tried, but found out that he wouldn't get an answer that was complete. Yoongi kept on repeating "I can't. I'm just a coward. I know I have to let it go, but I can't." Jimin felt bad for him, but didn't know what he could do. Even so there was one thing good in this situation, they didn't get a lockdown yet. On the news they called it an intelligent lockdown, that brought slight laughter into the house.


"Why doesn't any of those stupid keys work?!" Taehyung shouted at himself in pure frustration. "I thought you wouldn't make it so hard for me! what is it, that you really don't want me to be able to read it?!" He growled in anger and let himself fall to his knees. Scattered on the ground were papers all around him. All those code keys he tried, believing that he was thinking the right way and coming closer to the right code key. Only time or the others have to tell him, he's only working himself further away from the right code key.

The reason no one would tell him, was because Yoongi and Jimin were the only ones to know about the coding. Jimin didn't dare to try and talk about things he didn't know anything about. Yoongi had a barrier in front of him, whenever he tried to get himself to enter the room. The only thing everybody knew, was that there was something going on and that it caused a huge amount of frustration on Taehyung. Taehyung felt sorry towards the others, but he didn't think they would understand him. Most certainly, they wouldn't be able to help him.

He looked at all the papers scattered him and started to tear up. "Come on man, give me something. I need to know more than this, I need to find you again." Taehyung cried out. He felt really weird. "You really want to let me go insane? I thought we were friends..." he whispered that last sentence, hurting his own feelings and not leaving it at that. "why did something have to happen to you? It should have been me right? Even though I wasn't there with you... because I came too late."

Taehyung couldn't stop crying and he tore the papers apart, making a huge mess in the room. Jimin entered the room and ran to Taehyung. "O my god, Taehyung!" he hugged Taehyung tightly and Taehyung just cried in his arms, not able to speak. Jimin didn't ask anything and let Taehyung cry in his arms. When he looked around he saw the big mess Taehyung had made, he sighted. "Taehyung, what the hell have you done? This isn't good, you have to get out of this room for a while." Taehyung looked at him with wide eyes "No! no, no, no, I can't- you can't-" Jimin put his hand on Taehyung's mouth to shut him up. "don't worry, nothing will happen if you leave this room, the only thing that would be wrong is you staying here. You look terrible. Have you eaten anything the past few days?" On that question Taehyung looked down and shook his head. Jimin stood up and pulled Taehyung up with him. Without giving Taehyung a chance to protest he got pulled out of the room and down the stairs, to the kitchen. Jimin made him something to eat, but Taehyung didn't have any appetite. Jimin tried everything to make him eat, but he just shove the plate away. Jimin started to get more worried and didn't know what he could do to make Taehyung eat.

Out of nowhere Taehyung stood up and walked to the front door, he went outside. It was raining, but he didn't care. Jimin ran to him, Taehyung kept on walking to the forest in the rain. Jimin took an umbrella, his and Taehyung's jacket and ran after Taehyung. When he reached Taehyung he saw him soaked wet and letting himself fall into the lake. Jimin dropped everything on the ground and ran to Taehyung, he was too late to catch him. Taehyung already fell in the water; he didn't do anything against sinking. Jimin started to panic and jumped into the water. He caught Taehyung and took him out of the water. Taehyung had become ice cold and he had lost his consciousness. Jimin called an ambulance and the others.

Jimin sat at the side of Taehyung's bed, with his hands in his hair. The door opened and Yoongi ran to the bed, he took Taehyung's hand. The others also came inside. "What happened Jimin?" Jimin looked up. "When I was upstairs walking to Yoongi's room, I heard someone crying in that old room. It was Taehyung, so I tried to comfort him and took him downstairs to eat. He refused to eat, no matter what I tried. Then out of nowhere he stood up and went outside, so I ran after him with an umbrella and his jacket. When I almost reached him..." Jimin stopped talking and took a deep breath. "Take your time, Jimin-ssi" He looked thankful at Hoseok and nodded. "When I almost reached him, he let himself fall into the lake. I think he wanted to let himself drown, because he didn't try anything to stop himself from sinking.... I- I jumped into the water to save him, called the ambulance and you guys." Namjoon nodded "And now we're here." Hoseok added. Jin sat down next to Yoongi and put his hand on Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi was silently crying but didn't want anyone to notice. Jin had noticed it but tried to not let it be obvious. "Why Taehyung? why?" They all looked at Yoongi now. "What happened? why did he want to leave us? I can't handle losing someone else." Everyone looked down. "We know Yoongi-ah. We know." with those words Jin pulled him into a hug.

The following hours Yoongi kept on holding Taehyung's hand and refused to let it go. Jimin also didn't leave Taehyung's side. The next day even the nurses tried to get Yoongi and Jimin to leave and take care of themselves, since it was visible none of them had slept that night, but they both kept on refusing.

Namjoon and Hoseok came into the room and Yoongi looked at them. "We will watch over Taehyung, Please go home and rest." Hoseok's voice was filled with worry and Yoongi gave in to it, but Jimin only blamed himself for what happened. "I can't leave, The moment I wasn't watching him, everything went wrong." It broke all their hearts to hear this. "Jimin-ah" Namjoon whispered, not even sure if it was audible. "It isn't your fault Jimin-ah, we should all have known something was wrong." Jimin only nodded and let Hoseok lead him out of the room. Outside was Jin waiting to take Yoongi and Jimin home. He gave Hoseok a nod. "Please call immediately if something happens" Jimin pleaded. "of course Jimin, we will" Hoseok reassured him.

When the night started to fall, Taehyung woke up. Namjoon called the others and Hoseok gave Taehyung something to drink. "Your awake, we were so worried." Namjoon came to the bed. "The others are on their way here." Taehyung nodded and looked around, taking in his surroundings. Hospital. "I guess there will be a lot of questions, I'm sorry" he looked down and felt Hoseok shifting on the bed to hug him. Making him cry.


 Yoongi was the one to ask Taehyung what happened to him. Pain and worry visible in his voice, even though he tried to hide it. Taehyung didn't answer immediately which made them worry even more. "I- I'm not sure about what exactly happened." He looked at Jimin for help and he understood "I think we shouldn't ask questions now, he just woke up. Besides, I already told you guys my side of the story. So you're not completely in the dark." The others nodded and were happy enough that Taehyung was alright. They hoped they could help him with whatever was bothering him.

Even so Taehyung didn't really felt alright. He felt bad about Jungkook and even worse for his hyungs with what he's putting them through. It didn't take long for him to get stuck in his head again. Only to be pulled out of it by Namjoon who had been calling his name for a while now. "Taehyung? you here?" He sounded really worried and Taehyung didn't get himself to react, instead he just stared blankly at Namjoon. From behind he felt someone hugging him and he didn't care who it was, he just gave in to the hug. Realizing how tense his body had been, making him surprised he didn't flinch at the sudden physical affection. But he was very glad he didn't, cause for sure that would hurt his hyungs. He just sat there, not capable of talking. He closed his eyes to not give anyone a blank stare anymore. That Taehyung relaxed in Yoongi's arms made everyone in the room relax and everyone suddenly felt exhausted. They prayed for something like this never having to happen again. feeling so so scared as they had been now, is something they never wanted to experience again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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