Chapter 13 - The ladybug and the moth

Start from the beginning

"Yes, it's my Emily." said Gabriel, looking down and almost whispering, almost if he was afraid she could hear him "Since her death... I-I wasn't able to make Adrien happy. He doesn't show it, but I know he's even more affected emotionally than I am. I feel it..."

Suddenly, his expression changed after he said those last words, like he though it was a mistake to say them, like there could be a second meaning for them. Marinette, however, didn't notice that. He cleared his throat.

"So, shall we begin?" he asked

Marinette nodded in agreement. The design of the costume was almost finished, today it should be sent to the factory. In the end, it looked like a beautiful black evening dress, with the some sort of veil that could hide the user's face, not it would be needed since the costume had also a black mask that, to those of sharp eye, was identical to Ladybug's one but in black.

The detail didn't ran from Gabriel's attention. The similarity was just too perfect, it had to be heavily inspired in the original. Gabriel was only able to make it so perfectly once with the help of the Miraculous spellbook. How could Marientte make such a perfect replica?

"I find this mask very familiar." told Gabriel to Marientte "Tell me, what is your inspiration for this one?"

"I-" stuttered Marinette "I inspired in Chat Noir's one."

"No you didn't." said him "You inspired in Ladybug's."

Marinette looked at him, a bit scared. If he only have bitten the bait... But then again, the man was an expert. The Ladybug suit he made was complimented by Tikki herself.

"Ok, I did..." confessed her "Is it that big of a deal?"

"No, of course not." answered Gabriel "It's just that I'm a big fan of Ladybug and such perfection needs to be achieved with an extended period of observation of the original. I was wondering if you, by any chance, know Ladybug."

Tricky question. What should she say? She couldn't say she knew Ladybug but could she lie to Gabriel? Wouldn't he understand it was a lie?

"I- My friend Alya runs the ladyblog so, once I asked to sketch ladybug's costume." said Marinette with a big and forced smile.

"I see. And you scketched Ladybug personally?" questioned him.

"NO! No no no no no, of course not. I- I asked to take a picture with her and then sketched the picture."

Gabriel looked disappointed, like if he was expecting Marinette to actually know Ladybug.

"What a shame. I would love to sketch Ladybug myself." he answered "I am a big fan."

The session continued. Gabriel made a few minor adjustments but, overall, the design was completely Marinette's. She was proud of herself. She would get to model her first complete creation in a party hosted by the biggest fashion designer in the world.

"And it is done." said Gabriel, contemplating the final version "I'll send it to factory right away. It will be finished just in time for the party."

Marinette thanked Mister Agreste for the internship during the last months. As she walked away to the hall, she remembered to go say good bye to Adrien.


Adrien's father was going to throw a party for the first time in... always?

A party hosted by Gabriel Agreste! Something worthy of the first page. Just the fanciest of the fanciest and Marinette was going to be part of it. Several creators would come and show their latest creations, including Gabriel himself. And Adrien? Adrien would get to be daddy's real sized living doll. He would model a costume he made for his son and could invite someone to model with him the feminine version.

The first idea was, obviously, Marinette. But after the truly bilateral agreement they made to be just friends and due to the fact that Marinette is going to model her own creation, he had to use plan B. Kagami.

Kagami replied to his invite in the very same neutral and monochordic tone of always, but Adrien knew she was happy. Not that she wouldn't be invited, of course, but Adrien was trying to make their relationship work just like Marinette was trying with Luka.

His costume was based on a robe that would fit the Yull Ball's scene in the Goblet of Fire, made out of a silver grey fabric that you could swear was made of liquid silver or pure moonlight. But, even without seeing it yet, he knew Marinette's was better.

Adrien was texting Kagami the details about the party when someone knocked at his door.

"Come in." said Adrien, opening his jacket a bit so Plagg could enter.

Marinette looked from the other side of the door. She had a divine smile in her face, like the world was right and there was no pain or hate to be sad about.

"I just came by to say good bye." she told Adrien.

Adrien stood up and went hug Marinette. Again, the same hug. They felt safe in each other's arms. Why can't they just accept it?

The time passed by. Normal people would have already carried on with their affairs. But those were no ordinary people. Those were Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste, the destinataries of all love songs ever written. The couple which story would make Aphrodite cry. The personification of, not just love, but passion, loyalty and, above all, pain and despair of everyone around them. Why can't two souls so perfect for each other be together?

The silence was broken by a phone ringing. It was Kagami, calling Adrien to check the informations about the party. But Adrien ignored.

"Don't you have to pick up?" asked Marinette.

In that moment, he knew he had to pick up. As he did it, Marinette was free from the imprisonment she took by choice. She waved. He waved. And the two souls were divided by destiny once again.

Oh, love. The ancients dedicated Gods to that feeling. Yet, if they have asked my opinion, I'm sure they would have dedicated the most terrible Titan in Tartarus.

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