Something Bryan Wished Had Never Happened...

Start from the beginning

"Well that time I didn't know that you would cheat on me! I thought the Vanessa I got married to was the girl that would listen to everything I say and consult me if everything went wrong! And now you're saying that it's my fault?"

"I never said that it was your fault, honey," said Vanessa, "But I would never cheat on you, I swear."

"I don't believe you!" said the angry Bryan who was simply too angry that he couldn't control himself.

At last, Vanessa manages to break away from Bryan's control. She runs away from him, and consequently runs out of the house. Bryan continues to chase her as they run through the town. As the chase occurs, Vanessa's mind thinks of the day that Bryan rescued her from the man who was chasing her.

"What an irony!" she said sadly, "He rescued me once and now he is the one who is chasing me!"

At last, she is able to find temporary refuge at a hotel and stations herself there. Bryan is unable to gain access to the hotel and gives up the search. Vanessa on the other hand, is sad at the abuse that Bryan has given her and cries herself to sleep. Bryan is filled with regret, for the first time, but can't do anything as Vanessa refuses to talk to him.


A month passes since Vanessa moved out of Bryan's house. She is living with her friend Corinne, and has had no contact with Bryan at all during that time. However, her health has deteriorated over the month, as she has had excessive leg swelling and pain. To complicate matters further, she finds that her body is discharging some unusual substances. Corinne recommends Vanessa to see a gynaecologist as she suspects that Vanessa is suffering from a disease.

To Corinne and Vanessa's shock, the gynaecologist has bad news for her.

"I'm sorry, Mrs Mills, but you have cervical cancer. And it's in the fourth stage," said the doctor.

Vanessa was shell-shocked at the doctor's news.

"Was it because of my abortion?" asked Vanessa.

"Some complications by the process could have caused it, but still I'm not sure why."

Without warning, Vanesssa broke down in tears. Corinne consoled her and told her to stop crying.

"Well Mrs Mills," said the doctor, "You don't have much time left to live. I advise you to say goodbye to all of your loved ones and friends."

"Doctor!" exclaimed Vanessa, "Isn't there any way I could recover from this cancer?"

"If it was diagnosed in the early stages, there would have been hope. But unfortunately, no methods can be used in the final stage of cancer." The gynaecologist then walked away, leaving behind the crying Vanessa and Corinne.

Her family members and friends are notified about her condition, and they are all distraught at the news. The bedridden Vanessa insists that Laura and Bryan should be there to see her before she dies. Laura rushes to her bedside, but Bryan does not answer Corinne's call as he believes that she is calling him so that Vanessa could patch up things with him.

Laura is saddened at Vanessa's condition and cries at her bedside.

"Laura, I'm going to miss you so much. You were the one who brought me and Bryan together two years ago. I don't know how am I going to repay you."

"Vanessa, you don't have to repay me at all," replied Laura, "You have been the sister in law that I have always wanted and that's all I want. I'm really going to miss you Vanessa."

Meanwhile, Corinne finally manages to get through to Bryan.

"Will you please stop calling me!" exclaimed Bryan.

"I'm sorry, Mr Mills, but this is Corinne. I'm a friend of Vanessa. And she just wanted me to inform you that she is admitted in the hospital due to cervical cancer."

"WHAT???????" yelled Bryan.

The shell-shocked Bryan immediately drives to the hospital, which is about an hour away. When he reaches the hospital, he immediately rushes to her bedside.

"Honey," Bryan began with full of remorse, "I'm sorry for whatever I did to you. I'm really sorry for abusing you, I really do!"

However, Vanessa does not respond.

"Honey, please don't leave me! Please! Please!" begs Bryan.

The static sound on the monitor meant that Vanessa was gone forever from the world. Bryan yelled for her to come back but it was too late; Vanessa was dead. Bryan was in tears as Laura leads him away from the room. Bryan was full of remorse and wanted to ask forgiveness, but he couldn't; he simply couldn't.


"And that's how Vanessa died," said Bryan, "It was all because of my behaviour."

Bryan wiped his tears away as Katherine tried to comfort him.

"Relax Bryan," said Katherine, "It's too late to do anything now."

"And that's why I'm telling Darren not to make the mistake I did," stated Bryan, "He might suffer the same fate as I did."

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