Bryan and Vanessa...

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Four years ago, Bryan was a regular 28-year old, leading a simple life as he used to work as a clerk in a newspaper office known as This Just In! His life is planned out quite nicely, which states that at age 29, he wishes to settle down, and at age 31, he wishes to have a child. He believes that "Mrs.Wills" is waiting out there for him, but realizes that he has to approach her carefully as every relationship of his ends in disaster.

On the other hand, Vanessa Twain is the total opposite of him. She is two years younger than Bryan and unlike Bryan's beliefs that life partners are out there, she doesn't believe in love or settling down. She only wants to have fun and regularly spends time by partying or drinking with friends. She is also unemployed, and lives with her mother, Zendra.

After being dumped by a girl yet again, Bryan walks home, dejected. Meanwhile, Vanessa meets a guy at a social gathering and hits it off with him. She has the time of her life at the party while Bryan stays up at night thinking about where he went wrong.

At three in the morning, Vanessa is finally tired of partying and decides to take the train home. Arriving at the station, she decides to walk home. As she walks out of the station, she is kicked by a random man and falls.  The man wants to mug her, but Vanessa tries to run away. She is on her heels and quickly runs away from the man, who gives a chase. After running for about a kilometer, she runs into an open apartment door, and runs all the way to the third floor. She knocks on the door of the first apartment, and luckily the occupant opens the door. The occupant happens to be Bryan, who is shocked to see Vanessa. Vanessa explains her predicament, and begs for Bryan to help her. Bryan brings her into the apartment, and locks the door. Meanwhile, the man can't seem to find her and gives up the chase, as he walks away.

"Thanks so much for letting me in... I don't know what would happened if you weren't there," said a very thankful Vanessa.

"Don't worry... you should probably thank my girl for breaking up with me... if it was not for her I wouldn't be staying up at 3 in the morning."

"Why? What happened?"

"She broke up with me for apparently being too nerdy and not spending time with her. She is an ass to be honest."

"I don't think she was that bad though... We just have to look at our mistakes." Vanessa then gets up as she wants to leave, but Bryan stops her.

"If you go out, the man might come for you again. I think you should stay here for the night in my spare room. Don't worry, we won't sleep in the same bed if that's think what would happen." Both of them laughed.

"Thank you so much... but you still haven't told me your name."

"I'm Bryan."

"I'm Vanessa.... Make sure you don't do what I did!" She laughed as well.

The next morning, Vanessa gets up before Bryan and leaves a note stating that she is grateful for his sincerity and kindness. She returns home but continues to think about his good attitude.

A few weeks later, Bryan boards a plane to Los Angeles in order to see his sister, Laura Mills. Coincidently, Vanessa is on the same flight with him as she wants to take a holiday. Vanessa recalls seeing Bryan, and they begin to talk to each other.

"Hey Bryan, how are you? Remember me?"

"Hey Vanessa! How are you doing? It's such a surprise seeing you here!"

The both of them begin opening up to each other and begin to learn a lot about each other. Throughout the long flight, they cannot stop talking to each other. At the airport in Los Angeles, they part ways, but Vanessa squeezes a piece of paper in his briefcase containing her phone number in case he wishes to contact her.. Bryan smiles to himself as he keeps Vanessa's phone number.

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