The Master Plan

Começar do início

"Okay" he said as he entered my order into some machine. "So, it's a bouquet of pink flowers and a black coffee with lots of sugar?" He asked in reassurance.

"Yes, and don't forget to make it strong." I reminded him. "Don't worry sir, we got you covered."

"Wow, I've never heard such a coffee order in my whole life." Some guy who stood behind me said jokingly as he made his way to the counter to also make an order.

"Yeah, I guess it never hurts to be a little different sometimes." I said, making him laugh a little.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The same man who took my order asked the guy I was currently in conversation with.

The guy then looked towards me in an unsure but sure way whilst he thought of what he wanted. Then he made his decision "I'll get the same coffee order he got."

I was so impressed by the amount of gutts he had to try the order I had.

"Um... Okay?" The man behind the counter said as he gave him a weird look, but hid it with a smile. "So that's a black coffee with tons of sugar?"

"Yes, but don't forget to make it strong." The guy repeated, making us both laugh. He seemed like a pretty chilled guy.

The cashier dude then came back with our orders and the guy I was with wasn't even hesitant about tasting the coffee.

"How is it?" I asked

Once he had a taste he's eyes went wide open, "it's actually pretty good." He said in realization. I guess he also felt kinda relieved.

"I usually order a Mocha or a Macchiato or Cafe con leche, but Imma start ordering this from now on." He said jokingly, although it's obvious that his usual orders are way better than this.

"I'm happy to hear that I'm not the only weirdo who finds this shit tasty." I said as we both laughed.

"Um, imma bout to take a seat and have my coffee. Wanna maybe join me?" The guy asked. "Yeah sure man." I answered back.

"Kay cool".


We found a table that was positioned next to a bunch of pretty looking flowers and other plants.

"This place is really beautiful." I said in awe, as I looked around and admired the whole store/café. "Yeah, I come hear every morning before school." The guy said.

"Oh, that's cool. It's actually my first time coming to this café, and in LA in general." I admitted. "Wow, that's dope man. So, what brings you here?"

"I flew all the way here from San Fransisco for the one I love." I replied, whilst starring at the beautiful bouquet of flowers I got for Jaylen.

"Eyy, that's really sweet bro." He replayed back. "So, do you do school or..." He asked.

"We'll that's actually a really long story." I replied back. "I have time."

"Okay then. Um, were do I start?"

"So, long story short. I met this guy in tenth grade and we fell in love, but unfortunately we had to separate cause he left to live in a different city. Life was so normal before I met him, but after he left it was so depressing and I felt like I didn't have a purpose anymore. So, I dropped out of school." I said

"No you didn't." The guy reacted.

"Yes i did, but it wasn't only because I felt like I didn't have a purpose, but also because I knew that the person I love was probably where ever he is feeling the exact same way I was feeling."

"Oh, I see." He said. "So what did you do about it?" He asked curiously.

"We actually didn't officially breakup, so we're basically still together right now. It hurt me to not be able to be with the one I loved, so my pain inspired me to come up with a plan."

"What's the plan?" The guy asked.

"The plan was to drop out of school, find a way to make as much money as I can, and use it to fly here and buy myself a living so that we can both be here and live here together forever."

"So did the plan work out the way you wanted it to?"

"Yeah, I guess so, cause I worked so hard to get to were I am today. I put my blood sweat and tears and committed into making sure that I do everything I can to be with the one I love. I even done something so terrible and disappointing to get here, but I have no regrets cause it's all for love."

"May I ask what the terrible thing is?" The guy asked. I felt like I could trust him, but what I did was way too bad and I didn't want to keep reminding myself about it.

"I'm sorry, but I rather keep it to myself for now, but what I can tell you is that everything is going well. All that's left is to pay him a surprise visit." I said, ending it off on a more positive note.

"Well, I'm super happy and exited for you man. I hope everything goes well." The guy said. Making me gain a sense of hope.

"Same here." I replied.

"It was nice talking to you, but I need to get to school." The guy said as he gathered all his things, but I rembered something as he left.

I didn't get his name.

"Hey... Um I didn't get your name?" I stood up and said it out loud, so that he could hear me.

"Oh, it's D'andre! D'andre Jordan!" He shouted back and head nodded then left.

I felt so in lightened by how the day went. I loved the calming café and the friendly encounter with D'andre. It was fulfilling. Now all that's left I'd to contact Hillard and make my way to Templeton high.


Limousine ride to school:


"Yes sir?"

"Can you please get these flowers delivered to Templeton high, and snuck into Jaylen's locker."

"Yes, sir. I'll contact the school and have them do that for you."

"Thank you Hillard."

"Just doing my job."

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter. I didn't wanna make it too long, so it's a little short, but I guess that's okay. Right?


• What do y'all think about Travis's "Master plan"


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JaylenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora