Chapter 24

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It was Saturday night. The night I was having dinner with the Hollands.

I was shitting myself. I'd tried on about six outfits already. Everything either seemed too slutty, too small, too big or made me look frumpy.

"Agghh" I let out a frustrated shout and flopped down on my bed, a pile of clothes around me.

I knew I was being ridiculous, but I was so nervous. I pulled out a light pink dress where the straps tied in bows on the tops of the shoulders. It fell at mid length around my calves and had little brown buttons down the centre. The dress fit my body well and I breathed a sigh of relief and continued to finish off my outfit.

I paired it with some sandals that had light pink jewels on them that matched the dress. My hair was curled in more uniformed waves and I had pulled half my hair into a low ponytail, made a hole just above the hair tie and pulled the ponytail through the loop.

My makeup was done lightly, with soft brown eyeshadow across my lids and a light sparkle. I picked a pinkish nude lipstick and after applying it to my lips I put it in my handbag that was on my bed.

I looked myself over in the mirror, fixing bits of my hair and checking my outfit over again.

"Alright, lets go meet the parents" I said, trying to sound more confident than I felt.


The cab pulled up at the address I had given them. I thanked them for the ride and paid the fare.

Being careful with the cake box, I walked up to the front door. I pulled the small iron handle and knocked three times.

The door swung open and Paddy stood in the door way  a big smile on his face.

"Hi Rhylee!" He said excitedly.

"Hey Paddy, nice to see you again" I said.

"Come in" He offered and took the cake box from me.

I stepped through the door way and a bundle of grey blue hair hurled themselves at me.

"Hi Tess, hi pretty girl" I said to her in the same silly voice I talked to Archie in.

"Hi, you must be Rhylee" A ladies voice spoke from beside me.

I stood up straight and turned. And gulped quietly.

"I'm Nicola, and this is my husband Dominic" She said. Toms mum was a very pretty lady. She had slightly auburn hair and gorgeous freckles.

"Thankyou so much for having me" I said shaking Dominics hand. Nicola pulled me in for a hug, which I wasn't expecting but it was very comforting.

"Tom went to get changed for probably the fourth time this evening"

"Dad, really?" Tom said laughing awkwardly, shaking his head as his dads comment, appearing from behind them. He kissed my cheek lightly.

"You look lovely" He said softly and blushed a little bit.

"Oh, ah thanks" I said smoothing down my dress that was already perfectly fine. I'd hoped I'd make a good impression with Toms parents.

"Um, I wasn't sure if I should bring anything tonight so I picked up some dessert" I said gesturing to the cake box Paddy was holding.

"Oh how sweet of you, thankyou" Nicola said.

"Can I get you something to drink?" She asked me and lead the way further into their home.

"A glass of water would be great thanks" I said.

We made it to the kitchen and Paddy turned to me.

"Should this go in the fridge?"

"It can stay out thats okay" Paddy was such a sweet guy. I had only met him two or three times before and it was nice to see him again.

Nicola, or Nikki as she told me to call her poured me a glass of water.

"So, we were going to do some barbecuing tonight, is there anything you don't eat?" She asked me.

"Oh no, I'm not picky. I like to eat" I said with a laugh.

"Great, good to know. How about we sit outside for a bit before we eat" She smiled

"That sounds great" I said, knowing the cool air would help me relax a bit.

We went out to their backyard and in the middle of it was a big green squishy looking mat, a basketball hoop and a small shed.

On the patio was some outdoor furniture and a glass table. There was also a barbecue and a heater for outside. 

Nikki switched on the heater and we sat down. Harry and Sam came outside and said their hellos before going to shoot some hoops.

Paddy watched his older brothers and Tom had disappeared again, leaving me with his parents.

"So, how is London treating you" Dominic asked me.

"It's really awesome. I found a great job and I've made some really good friends as well" I said.

"We're glad to hear that" Nikki said.

"Tom talks about you a lot" Dom spoke with a smile.

"really? " I said my cheeks flushing.

"Oh yeah, we haven't heard him talk this much about a new friend in a long time" Nicola said, an eyebrow raising at the word friend.

"Toms great, I'm really lucky to have met him" I said.

"I hope you two aren't grilling her" Tom emerged from the back door that lead to the kitchen.

"Of course not, just getting to know her" Dominic said with a bit of laugh. I could tell his parents were winding him up a bit.

Tom sat in the spare chair next to me and his parents asked more questions about me and my life. And I in turn asked them about theirs.

The basketball Harry & Sam were playing with hit part of the deck, Sam jogged over to retrieve the ball.

"Hey, do you guys wanna play"

"Sure, how about you Rhylee" Tom asked and I nodded my head.

I slipped off my shoes and took a step up onto the mat. I felt all squishy under my feet and slightly bouncey too.

Tom had told me all about his dance training and gymnastics and this was where he would practice at home.

We shot some hoops for awhile and Dominic started cooking on the barbecue, the smell floating in the air around the back yard.

The sun was setting, casting a beautiful orange glow in the clouds.

"Hey spiderman, heads up!" I shouted as I passed Tom the ball. He took a run up and front flipped before dunking the ball.

"Alright show off, dinners ready" Nikki called from the doorway.

Harry and Sam raced off together and banged into the door in their haste to get inside. Paddy rushed inside after them.

Tom took my hand as I stepped off the mat and put my shoes back on. When I stood up, his hand caressed mine quickly then trailed up my forearm. Goosebumps were left in the wake of his touch.

A warm, gentle hand continued over my bicep, passed my shoulder and slowly up the side of my neck, finally reaching my cheek. His thumb moved softly against my skin.

His body leaned towards mine and his eyes flicked from my lips, back to my eyes and to my lips again before closing the space between us.

"I wanted to do that since you arrived" He said. He took my hand as we walked back inside.

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