Chapter 25

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The table was laid beautifully and there was an enormous amount of food.

We took our places around the table. Dominic & Nikki at each end. Tom and I sat next to each other opposite his brothers.

"Alright everyone, dig in" Dominic said.

There was a clattering of utensils against plates and people asking for certain foods or salads or rolls. I looked around the table and a hint of jealousy sparked within me. I wished I could have had the relationship these kids had with their parents.

I knew that things wouldn't ever change with my parents and I needed to accept that. So I squashed that feeling of jealously down. And replaced it with a feeling of gratitude to be invited into their home.

"Tom told us you're joining him in Paris" Nikki said striking up conversation.

"Oh yeah" I said quickly swallowing my food so I didn't talk with my mouthful.

"I'm really excited. I've always wanted to visit Paris. I'm really grateful to be going" I said.

"When do you leave again?" Paddy asked.

"We're leaving next Thursday. After Paris I'll be in Japan for two weeks before coming home for Christmas" Tom said. His youngest brother seemed kind of sad. I bet he missed Tom when he was away.

"Don't they call Paris the City of Love?" Sam asked grinning like mad and Tom and I.

There was a thudding noise and Sam screwed his face up and was about to say something before Tom spoken loudly over him.

"Anyway, you've got a gig coming up soon don't you dad?"

I can only assume Tom had kicked Sam in the shins under the table. We continued to eat and talk and laugh. I was really enjoying myself, it was nice to be surrounded by such kind and caring people.


I helped Dom and Nikki clear the plates and asked who wanted dessert. Everyone had called out their yeses and I cut the chocolate cake I had brought over. Dom took some plates back in to the dining room, a large wedge of cake on each one.

"I just want to say thankyou for joining us tonight. It's been a long time since we've seen Tom like this." Nikki said smiling at me.

"You have such a beautiful family, I'm lucky to know you guys. Tom is pretty special to me" I said back to her, I felt a sense of trust with her and knew that I was safe in telling her how much her eldest son meant to me.

We walked back to the dining room with the rest of the cake plates. The dessert was delicious and everyone seemed to really enjoy it. Falling into light hearted conversation again, we swapped embarrassing stories and told lame jokes, seeing whose was the worst.

We had all finished dessert and started to clear plates.

Sam and Paddy went off to play Xbox games and Harry said he wanted to edit some footage he had filmed recently.

Dominic, Nikki, Tom & I were left standing in the kitchen in a sort of awkward silence.

"We'll leave you kids too it" Dom said as he took his wife's hand and they walked away. Tom let out a big sigh.

"Finally" he said quietly, running a hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry if they were kinda nosey"

"I think your parents are great. I can tell they care about all of you so much" I smiled.

"We're lucky to have such supportive parents, ya know? He said

"Do you want a beer?" Tom asked me pulling open the doors of the fridge.

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