Chapter 11: Adriana

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The ghost turned away left the alley. He pulled me along with him and people cheered when they spotted us. Wesley lowered me to the ground and glared at all of them. "Go home, all of you. Someone has died from this attack today. If you don't leave now, you might be next."

A shocked hush fell over the crowd, and Cody stared at us.

Cody, take Addy home. Don't let her leave the house, Wesley said.

No! You can't do that. I'm coming with you! I replied.

Wesley looked at all of the people and sighed. We're leaving. Now. He turned and walked away from the crowd. Cody and I trailed after him.

As we walked, Wesley grabbed my hand and held it tight. Fear shown in his eyes, and I sighed. "Wesley, please let me help you. You can't do this alone."

"I can't risk you dying," Wesley replied gently.

I glanced back at Cody. "Cody, please."

Cody sighed. "Wes, come on. You need my help, and Addy will follow us if we leave her alone."

"Fine." A tear fell from the older brother's face. "Don't stray too far from us."

"Yes!" I smiled at Cody, but he didn't return it.

Cody stopped walking and tapped his brother on the shoulder. We stopped as well, and Wesley frowned.

"Cody, are you okay?" asked his brother.

Cody shook his head and disappeared. As he did so, darkness began to descend on the town.

What's wrong? I felt the ghost's presence on my left.

Hey, guys? Fear was evident in Wesley's voice. Look up. He walked over to my right, his semi-transparent hands pointing up at the sky.

I followed his hands and my eyes opened wide. Dark clouds swirled around, blue light darting between them. They reached down towards the town, brushing the tops of the tallest buildings, which were only three stories, and covering every road leading out of town.

"Great," muttered Wesley, "now it's cold and dark."

I swatted at him, and my hand made contact with his hand. My eyes opened wide, and I pulled my hand back quickly. Wesley stared at his hand in shock. " actually touched me," he said. Cody, how's that possible? He asked.

I'm not sure, Cody replied. He swirled around us and stopped in front of us. But we better keep walking.

I reached for Wesley again, and I accidentally slapped his shoulder. "Ouch," he said, rolling his eyes. "That hurt." His monotone voice gave away the fact that it didn't really hurt.

All around us, the dull streetlights turned on, their glow dancing off the icy sidewalks. People started to come out of the buildings, all bundled up with at least two coats. The frigid air hung heavily in the air as if the breeze had been trapped on the other side of the thick clouds.

Wesley floated to the middle of the street and raised his hands. "Everyone back inside!" he said, his voice bouncing off the walls. "You're safer inside!"

"Who do you think you are?" asked a man. He stood in a nearby doorway, his beard glittering with ice.

"I'm the one that's going to save you if you would listen to me," Wesley replied.

"What can you do that the police can't?" asked the same man. Vapor pooled out of his mouth as he spoke, and he shivered slightly.

Wesley muttered something under his breath. "Just get back inside and don't come out until you're told to."

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