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Third person POV

" Seishin come on, whats the harm of me and Toshio starting our relationship again? I thought you wanted us to get along again?", Hanami questioned her cousin. The two have been aruging about this for hours since Toshio left." Yes, I wanted the two of you to get along, not commit adultry.", Seishin snapped back at his cousin." Well he's getting a divorce and besides, its not like I wanted to be seen as a home wrecker.", Hanami said, getting irritated with her cousin." Well thats exactly how the village will see you as once word gets out.", Seishin growled at his cousin. Hanami was shocked at Seishins words and tone, Seishin has never used a harsh tone with Hanami.
" I'm sorry ok, I don't know what I was thinking, I just..... I just missed him.", Hanami said in a small voice. Hanami didn't know when she started to tear up during the fight, but the tears were now streaming down her face. Seishin eyes widened when he saw his cousin silently cry. Seishin reached out and pulled Hanami into a hug as her crying became more loud." I-I'm S-S-So sorry. I never wanted t-to hurt anyo-one.", Hanami sobbed out into her cousins kimono. Seishin just shrushed her as she cried. Soon Hanami's crys turned into a soft sniffs.
" Look Hanami, I know you never meant to hurt anyone or cause trouble, but the fact still stans that Toshio is still married and unless he doesn't files for divorce soon then you both are still commiting adultry. Wehy don't you wait for him to file for divorce then you are able to date till you hearts gives out.", Seishin said, trying to sooth his cousin." Fine. I'll wait.", Hanami sniffed out, her nose running. Seishin walked over to his desk to grab her a tissue when a chill ran up his back.
Seishin looked out the window and saw two red orbs starring back at him. Sunako Seishin thought to himself." Seishin, do you see something?", Hanami asked, scaring Seishin. Seishin hadn't realize his cousin had moved next to him. Hanami was now also looking out the window trying to see what Seishin did. Seishin quickly looked back out the window to where Sunako was, but to his relief she was gone." I thought I saw a animal.", Seishin lied to his cousin, handing her the tissue. Hanami wiped her face then blow her nose before standing up." I'm going to sleep, goodnight Seishin.", Hanami said realizing how tired she truly was now and wished her cousin goodnight before leaving. Seishin looked back out his window trying to think if he was seeing things or was Sunako was actually there. Seishin knows the Kirishiki's secret and promised to keep the secret from others, but the secret wieghed on him heavly. He said that as long as his family was safe then he'll stay quiet. It bothred him because it feels as if he was sacrificing the whole village just for his family, but anyone would do that, right?
Seishin leaned over to shut the window, but before the window was fully closed he saw it. Off in the distance were a pair of glowing red pupils staring straight into Seishin's tanted soul.

Next Day Hanami's POV

I was cleaning my class room at the end of the day because most students had already left. I was busy working on putting the next days lesson on the board when a knock stopped me. I yelled out," Come in.". A young female student entered my class, I believe her name was Kaori." How can help?", I asked her, she looked distraught, and so pale." You're not sick, right?", I asked worried, to many people have been dying, I'd hate to see her get sick too." What, oh no. I'm not sick, but I do have a request.", Kaori said." Sure, what can I help you with, homework?", I asked, kinda teasing her." Um, no actually, I was wondering how to ward off demons and bad spirits?", Kaori asked with her head down." I'm sorry, what?!", I asked, shocked and confused." It's just, I feel like there's something wrong happening in the village and I don't want to be next or anyone else in my family", Kaori cried out, the truth was, she didn't want Megumi coming to her house." Uh well, if you're really that scared then come by the temple's tomorrow and I'll give you some thing's.", I said, trying to comfort the the shaking girl." Thank you so much Miss Muroi!", Kaori cried out, hugging me.

To The Clinic Third Person POV

After leaving the school Hanami decided that  she needed to go by the clinic and talk some things out with Toshio. The walk wasn't long considering she knew all the short cuts to the clinic, but this time it felt uneasy, almost as if she was watched the whole way there. It's so weird, I feel as if everywhere I go now a days, I'm being watched, WHY!!?? Hanami yelled out in her head as she got to the front of the clinic. She slide opened the side door so she didn't have to run into anyone, she needed to talk to Toshio as soon as she could. Hanami slide into the hallway looking to her right to make sure no one saw her but as soon as she turned left, she was face to face with Mrs. Ozaki." Well if itsn't the young girl who left my son at the alter waiting.", Mrs.Ozaki said with a sneer on her face." Yeah sorry about that. Hey have you seen Toshio around by any chance?", Hanami asked. Mrs.Toshio hissed out," Why? So you can just stomp all over his heart like you did so long ago. You ruined our family legacy. You and Toshio were to get married and the provide an he-"," Thats enough mother. Hanami came here because I asked her to.", Toshio lied.
We walked outside to the gazeebo they had by the clinic. Toshio turned around right as we got to the opening and hugged me." I've need this.", He mummbled as his head was on her shoulder. Hanami smiled at the feeling but soon remembered why she's there." Toshio, we need to talk." Hanami finally said. She felt him tense up in her arms." You're to break up with me aren't you?", he questioned, now looking dirictly into my eye's." What no!!", Hanami said panicked." Then what do we need to even talk about", he said, clearly confused as to what we're doing." Its about your marrige.", she said, looking down to the ground." What about it?", Toshio asked, still confused and it made her want to roll her eyes." Look, until you divorce is offical then we can't be walking around being all lovey dovey, we have to keep it a secret. I don't want to to ruin the family name because of adultry.", Hanami finished." So you'd rather keep us a sercert then ruin the Tempel's image?", Toshio asked, one eyebrow raised and clearly not amused." Oh come on Toshio. You know it's not like that at all, so don't make it seem like that.", Hanami said, becoming irritated. Toshio sighed," I know its not like, I just, I was actually happy for once in such a long time and I have to hide us now and with everything that's going on. I feel as if I can't catch a break.", Toshio said, looking defeated." Don't say that, of course whats going on is traffic but its not your fault and we'll be able to shout our love out to the world, but I can't openly be with a married man, hell I can barley do it in sercert. The last thing that I need to be see as is a homewrecker. When the divorce is final then we can be open with everyone, I promise.", Hanami said, giving Toshio a small peck on the cheek that tickled her lips because of his stubbel. She had no idea the promise she made would soon be nearly impossible.

Sarahs POV

I watched as Hanami walked to the clinic and watched her as she talked with the doctor to make sure she didn't spill any information about us since the doctor is posing as our greats threat since he knows." Well who would have thought the doctor and the priests cousin were getting it on.", Tatsumi said behind me." Must you be so immature?", I asked with my brows knitted together." Don't act like thats not why you're head over heels for me.", Tatsumi said smuggly, smirking down to me." The muscels are also a bouns.", I joked which caused Tatsumi to laugh." So why are are you so obessed with the Temple's little princess?", Tatsumi monkingly asked." Like you're on to talk. You have just as much of an obession on her little lover.", I shot back." Thats because he poeses as a threat, like how Sunako keeps an eye out on the junior monk. They know our secret, Its our job to make sure they don't find a way to ruin everything we worked so hard for. Sunako isn't worried ahout the monk, but that doctor is a different story.", Tatsumi said, crossing his arms." Exactly, and who do you think he's gonna confide in when the time comes. Its only a matter of time before he tells her or she finds out. I'd rather watch this village burn to the ground then watch these humans destory what we worked so hard for I  refuse to go back into hiding.", I said, gritting my teeth." Don't grit your teeth, all it does is make an annoying sound and dulls your fangs.", Tatsumi said while looking at the couple ahead of us, studying them closely." Fine, if you truly see this girl as a threat then watch, but under no circumstances are you allowed to kill her.", Tatsumi said serioucly, which was rare. I rolled my eyes and continued to listen to them.

Third Person POV

" So Seishin Is coming over tomorrow?", Hanami asked Toshio." Yeah, he's gonna help me watch over Setsuko, helps take the edge off.", Toshio said half honestly." I can come over tomo-", Hanami was cut off by Toshio Shouting," NO!"." Uh, I'm sorry, I know you have to teach the next day so I just think it'll be best if you just stayed home.", Toshioi lyed, the truth is, Toshio was afarid that if Hanami was here tomorrow, then she could get bit." Um ok, if you say so.", Hanami said, kinda weirded out by Toshio's sudden out burst." You know you could have just said no, not shout it out at me.", Hanami joked. Toshio let out a nervous laugh and Hanami could tell but decided not to ask. Toshio was already going though so much and the lasting he need was to be ambushed with so many question, Hanami decided thats if it was important he would tell her." Oh gosh, look at the time! I need to get home and start dinner.", Hanami said, rushing to get her bag.
As Hanami and Toshio slid off the bench, Toshio leand down to give Hanami a kiss, but Hanami stopped him by putting her finger on his lips." Not yet my love.", Hanami said, smiling up to Toshio. Toshio also smiled against her finger, he took her hand and gave her knuckles a small kiss." Soon.", He said, smiling down at her with loving eyes. Hanami returned the same look," Soon.", She repeated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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