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Sarah's POV
As the woman named Hanami walked off into the woods, I made a sharp turn to my left to come face-to-face with Tatsumi." Aww, were you talking about lil ol me.", Tatsumi said in a southern accent." Dude shut up.", I said, lightly punching his arm because at full stength people would be able to hear." So who's our next target?", I asked him, resting a hand on my hip." A little boy named Hiromi, I need you to get him.", Tatsumi said." How old is the he?", I asked feeling like I wasn't going to like the answer." He's about 8 to 10, pretty young but an orders an order.", He said, knowing that it was upsetting me. Typically getting a target puts a pip in my step, but a kid, it never feels right. Tatsumi noticing my uneaseness, walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder." I know you hate it when it's a kid but you have to. You know how angry the Mistress gets when an order is disobyed. I'm just looking out for you.", Tatsumi said, pouting up at me." Don't pout, you look like a big, dumb baby.", I laughed." Hey! Now that was uncalled for." Tatsumi said, throwing himself off me. I sighed looking at the water, dreading the night now.

Later that Night

I was talking to a woman by the name of Chizuko Murasako earlier that day at the local cafe. We talked and laughed until she told me about her children, speicifically her son named Hiromi. With my interset now truly sparked I realized that this could be my only chance to get permission in her house. We chatted somemore when she told me about how she works with her family in the shop below her house. Taking my shot, I asked if at some point I could stop by her house to get some rice. She looked so pleased to have gotten a "customer" that she nearly screamed yes.
I smirked to myself as I stood on the roof of their house. I looked though the window of the house to see the hallway that held all there rooms. I walked around the house looking for Hiromi's window. I came across one window where I could see two sleeping people inside. I could make Chizuko's orange hair from here so I knew that this wasn't the room. I went to the next one where I saw a teenage boy with weird facial structure laid snoring with his mouth wide open. I cringed as I went to the next one and finally saw him. He was sleeping in the same room as his younger sister but the were apart. I slowly slide open the window and lowered myself to the floor. I creeped over to Hiromi, ready to get him when his eyes started to flutter open. I almost paniced and was ready to kill him when I saw a smile spread on his face." Are you the toothfairy?", Hiromi asked." Shh, quiet, she can't hear us!", I said in a hush voice, pointing at his sister. Hiromi nodded and rushed to get his tooth." Hear you go miss toothfairy, can I now have my dollar please?", Hiromis asked with a smile on his face, you could see were the tooth went missing. You are not making this easy kid I thought to myself." Actually, I'm taking a different type of payment. I need a bit of blood.", I said. Hiromi got this weird look on his face." So if I give you some blood then I get my dollar?", Hiromi asked." You know what kid? I'll give two dollars.", I said. I told him to lay down and give me his wrist. Before he could make a noise, I put my right hand over his mouth then bit down on his wrist. I saw the pain and painc rush through his eyes and I felt his scream muffel under my hand. Its always this part thats hard, I want to stop, but I can't. When I was finished I leaned down near his ear and whispered an order." You will remember nothing of this night, now sleep.", I said in a calm voice. Hiromi drifted to sleep and as I was ready to make my leave I remembered something. I gentally lifted Hiromi's pillow and put the two dollars underneath.
As I exited out the window and down to the back allyway behind their house I felt eyes on the back of my head. I swung around, fist clenched into a solid hook when a very musculer forearm blocked it, the blow causing wind to whip around us nd russel some trees near by." Tatsumi?! What the hell?!", I questioned my blue haired boyfriend in a hushed but angery tone." Just comin to check on ya toots. I knon how you hate such a young target.", Tatsumi said, rubbung his forearm." The kid thought I was the toothfairy.", I said looking at the ground. Tatsumi let out a laugh," Wow, really? Thats hilarious Sarah.", he said patting my head." No.... Its not, it just proved that he's to young to be apart of our world.", I said, still looking at the ground. Tatsumi moved to face me and pulled my face up to meet his." Hey, I know its never easy and to be honest, I don't know if it ever will. We do this to survive. Nothing more, nothing less...... Well maybe more for other's. Can't lie though, sometimes I get a kick out of it.", Tatsumi said, still cupping my cheeks in his hands." You know what babe? Lets go on a little date, you and me.", Tatsumi said. Before I could protest Tatsumi had my over his shoulders running at full speed to the woods.
we finally got to a small area that had a garden of flowers and an opening for the moons light to flood over us." That was stupid, reckless, immature, and.. and, and so you.", I said, starting off mad but finished with a grin on my face. Tatsumi just gave a dumb grin and throw himself on the ground, taking me down with him as he grabbed my hand. I layed by him, staring up at the stars." You'd never be able to see this in the city back in America.", I sighed." Do you every miss America?", Tatsumi asked." Sometimes, but things there went to shit after the 80's, ecspicailly the music. God I miss the punk music. Man, I'd kill to see Alice Cooper live again.", I said, smiling at the memory of the first concert." What did you do this fine evening?", I asked Tatsumi." I got to meet the newest target. A boy by the name of Tohru.", Tatsumi said." That was quick. Does Sunako realize how blantently obivious it is to kill off so many people so quickly?", I questioned, Tatsumi just shrugged his shoulders. I decided to drop it and relax for a moment. We layed there under the stars, enjoying the quiet and each others company.

Three Days Later Hanami's POV
" Seishin this is our second funeral this week alone. First the Nao lady and now a young boy named Hiromi. What on Earth is happening here in Sotoba?", I asked my clearly stressed cousin." Listen Hanami. What I am about to tell can NOT leave this temple.", Seishin said in a very serious tone of voice. Now this have caught my interest." We have a epidemic on our hands here.", Seishin said." Uh.... Yeah no shit. What I meant is what is causing it.", I said to my very shocked cousin." Well first of all, language, and second, how did you know?", Seishin questioned me." Seishin... Come on. How stupid do you think I am, its not like its much of a secret.", I said to him." Well if you must know, the only thing we really got is that it starts with animea and it could be spread though bugs. If you want it in full detail then I suggest talking to Toshio.", Sieshin, writing down the details of the funural in a notebook." Hard pass for me. We aren't exactly seeing eye to eye this very moment.", I sighed." Trouble in paradise right now?", Seishin asked." Can we not talk about my love life for one day!?", I said annoyed. I Heard Seishin mumble something along the lines " Thats what we're calling it.". I growled at my cousin when the phone rang out. I went to go pick it up, looking at the caller ID." Hello? This is the Muroi resident. May I ask who I am speaking to?", I asked the caller." Hello I'm the headmaster at Sotoba high. I'm calling for a Miss Hanami Muroi.", a man said on the other end." This is she. May I ask why you called?", I asked." Yes, we are calling about your interview. It seems your a more then qualified for the position as the new choir teacher. We will fax over your paper work tomorrow afternoon. I look forward to working with a former student. Have a pleasent evening.", The man said before hanging up." Who was that Hanami?", Seishin asked." My new boss.", I said smiling.

Later That Night 3rd POV
That night Hanami had the worst nightmare. She could see Sotoba burning, every tree was on fire along with buildings. She was use to these nightmares, but this one was different. Hanami saw the villagers attacking each other with stakes and hammers, driving the wood into others chest, some even having their heads bashed in. Hanami felt blood splash on her cheek, and it felt so real. She wiped the blood off with her hand. She looked at her hand in disgust and horror. Hanami looked up from her hand in time to make eye contact with a villager. But he looked different, pale, hollow, and most importantly his eyes looked hollow with glowing red pupils. Hanami was about to scream when the villager jumped at her but was cut off when the man grabbed her by the  throat and bit down on it. Hanami was to stun to make a noise above a whimper. She felt the life being sucked out of her and her head got light. The man finally stopped when another villager killed him. The villager then grabbed Hanami by her hair and started to drag her somewhere. Hanami was struggling against him when they pasted a window and Hanami got a good look at herself. She was more pale than usual, her hair was a mess thanks to the man pulling it, she had fangs, and her eyes, they where the same as the mans that bit her. The man finally stopped and threw her to the ground. Hanami looked up and gasped. Infront of her was a pile of bodies, all dead and bloody. On top of the pile sat Toshio, looking down at her. Toshio sat up and walked down the pile of bloody bodies effortlessly. He stopped right infront of Hanami and reached down, grabbed her hair and pulled her to his face. Toshio peered down at Hanami who looked completley frightened and gave her this wolfish smirk." Hold her down.", Toshio ordered some of the villagers. As they held down Hanami she started to thrash around and scream. She lifted her head up and was horrifid as Toshio loomed over her with a stake in one hand, a hammer in the other. Toshio got down and put both knees on both sides of her hips, placed the stake above Hanami's heart and had the hammer raised in the air. Hanami then started begging, screaming at Toshio," Toshio no!!! Please don't!!! I'm sorry!! Please, I'm sorry!!!". Toshio ignored her cries and brought down his hammer.
" NNNNOOOO!!!!", Hanami yelled out, bolting awake. She sat there, panting, recalling her dream. Hanami gasped and ran over to her vanity to check her chest. There wasn't a huge gaping hole which made her sigh in relief. Hanami slide down the wall by her vanity and cried. She cried because of how real the dream felt, she cried because she was scared, and she cried because for some reason.... Hanami know this wasn't a dream, but a warning of what is to come.

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