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Third POV

In the small village of Sotoba you could hear the marching of footsteps as another funeral takes place for the young teenage boy, Tohru Mutou. Seishin was at the front of the funeral, leading them to where they will soon bury the young man. Hanami walked in the back, this being her fourth funeral she has had to attend this month. It was terrifying, people of all ages were dying left and right and no one knew what the cause was. Hanami had recently gone to the library to get books on old time horror fairy tales. The more she read the more it started to sound like the village. People of all age passing away, whether healthy or majorly ill. The amout of blood people loss before passing away. What was even more of a dead give away was the bite marks. Hanami had talked to some of the older nurses from the clinic that week at the cafe. Turns out that each client that has passed away from this epidimic had a bite mark on one of their major arteries. It was almost as if the okiagari from the village tales where true. A shiver ran up Hanami's spine at the thought of the thing that gave her nightmares as a child was real.
After the funeral Hanami wanted to get out of her kimono and back into street clothes. When she got home she headed straight for her room to change. Upon entering she could already tell something was out of place. Hanami began looking though out the room wondering what on Earth was bothering her, and why the hell is it so difficult to find out what it is. Hanami was hunched near her vanity when there was a knock on her sliding door." Come in.", Hanami spoke out loud still facing the other way by the vanity." Lookin for something, like this?", a gruff voice asked. Hanami whipped her head around and made eye contact with Toshio." Oh, If its n-", Hanami stopped when she saw what Toshio was holding. In Toshio's hand was her red hair clip, thats what was off about the room." Whe-where did you find that?", Hanami asked, raising a shaken finger pointed at Toshio." I saw it on the front deck outside. You must have dropped it.", Toshio said handing the clip back to Hanami. Hanami, who was blushing like crazy, took the clip out of his hand." Well... Thank you, and you can go now.", Hanami said,rushing Toshio out the door. As she was about to slide the door close Toshio stuck his foot out to stop it." Can I help you?", Hanami asked irritated." Look, can we talk?", Toshio asked. Hanami sighed but moved to make room for him to enter." Make this quick, I need to go down to the school so I can get my class room set up for beginning of the year.", Hanami said, setting on the seal of the window. Toshio sat down at her desk and looked up at her." I wanted to say sorry. We were having such a good time and I went and messed it up.", Toshio said looking down. They sat in silent till Hanami broke it." Thank you... I'm glad to see you know where you fucked up.", Hanami said. Toshio chuckled at her bluntness." You never changed did you?", Toshio asked, smiling up at her." Who would want to change perfection?", Hanami asked, flipping her hair over her shoulder. The two adults looked at each other before bursting into laughter. Hanami stopped and got a good look at Toshio face. He looked just like he did before she left, but his hair was longer, he grow a bit of a stubble, but the bags under his eyes where so noticable, even from a distance. Hanami walked up to Toshio and placed a hand on his cheek, his beard tickeling her hand." Toshio, when was the last time you had a good nights rest?", Hanami asked concerned. Toshio turned they other cheek, pulling from her hand." To be honest, I don't know. I've been so stressed out, my mother is constantly on my case, my patients keep dying, and I don't even know whats the cause. I got so stressed out that I even snapped at Seishin after he was just trying to share information that he figured out about the patients families that have passed away.", Toshio said, looking way older then his age. Hanami felt bad for him. She was so caught up in the fact that they we're ex's, that she completely neglacted the fact that they were also best friends. Hanami reached out and pulled Toshio towards her. Toshio was quiet tall compared to Hanami who barely reached his shoulders. Hanami wrapped her arms around her Toshio's waist and rested her head on his chest. Toshio put his arms around her shoulder and rested his head on top of her's. They stayed like that till Hanami remembered her class. Hanami pulled away and looked up at Toshio." I'm gonna be gone for three hours top. I want you to lay here and sleep. When I get back you better be here.", Hanami said grabbing her purse. Toshio was about to protest when Hanami screamed,"SLEEP!"

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