"What did that incident tell you about your ex-husband?" Rose asked.

"That he was self-centered. He also was worried about appearance. If I went out not fully made up, he'd get upset. Me having depression, impacted people's perception of him. Or at least, that's what he believed. We talked about it, but he never really changed," Bella huffed. "It's why I kept up with my physical appearance, running and staying healthy. It was something that he'd never get over. One less rift to contend with, I guess."

"And then you had your stroke and you were confined to the chair," Rose muttered.

"To think I was shocked when he asked for a divorce. I wasn't, really. I saw a bit of this behavior after Seth's birth." Bella grumbled. "With my paralysis, I wasn't the picture-perfect wife anymore. I was this broken thing."

"You are not broken, Bella," Rose spat, rolling closer to her and taking her hands. "If anything, Riley is the broken one. He threw away your fifteen-year marriage without a care. He destroyed his relationship with Jake and Seth."

"I hate that he abandoned our children," Bella sniffled. "I could handle the end of our relationship, but to casually toss our children to the side. That's just fucking cruel!"

"Your boys have bonded with Edward, right? They come to your physical therapy sessions?"

"Jake, yes. I think Jake believes Edward is the second coming," Bella snorted. "Seth is a bit standoffish. That's understandable. Seth's vision of his father had been shattered and now this new guy comes into the picture? Even if is my physical therapist, he's still wary. I do appreciate your suggestion with the therapist for the boys. I do see an improvement in them."

"Good. I'd like to see them again. If you want to bring them to your next appointment?" Rose suggested. "I know you're going back to court regarding your custody agreement.

Bella nodded. "That should be the best. They need to know that regardless of what the judge says, that I'll always be there for them. I hate that my sons are being abandoned by their father. Asshole."

"I completely agree," Rose snorted. "But, I think your sons are getting a better role model in your physical therapist."

"Perhaps," Bella smirked. "I don't know."

"Just go with the flow, Bella," Rose laughed.

"I'll try."

They spent the rest of the hour talking about Bella's physical improvements and Edward's plans to get her to walk at her next physical therapy appointment. Rose also asked for Bella's advice about handling a colicky newborn who refused to sleep in her nursery.

As Bella was wrapping her up her appointment, her cell phone rang. "That's weird. It's Seth's school." She slid her finger across the screen. "Hello?"

"Mrs. Biers, I'm afraid I need you to come in as soon as possible. Seth was involved in a fight today."

"What?" Bella growled. "I'm on my way." She hung up her phone, looking at Rose. "I ..."

"Go. Text me when you want to come in. If you want, I can come over to your place," Rose said.

"Thank you so much." Bella waved and left. She made her way to Seth's elementary school, Highland Park Elementary, parking in one of the handicapped spots. She entered the school, showing her driver's license and was ushered into a conference room. Seth was inside, sitting next to his counselor. He had a black eye and his knuckles were covered in bruises. Bella rolled to her son, taking his face in her hands. "Who did this to you?" Bella asked.

"James Hunter," Seth clipped, his voice seething with anger. The boy that Seth mentioned was a known bully and had picked fights with a lot of children. "He said that his new daddy was my old one."

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