For The Love of Family

Mulai dari awal

Suddenly I heard my phone go off. I got a text from Raph.

"Hey baby, I just wanted 2 let u know that, Shredder escaped. My bros and I tried 2 stop him, but he got away."
I reread his text over and over. I texted him back.

"How the hell did he escape?!"

"Well, 1st his goons took out the squad cars that surrounded the truck that was holding him and 2 other criminals, with bombs. Then they welded the top off 4 him 2 escaped through. Then he was lifted up by a cord that was attached 2 a helicopter, we were able 2 cut the rope with a sword. We used the truck that Donnie and Daisy have been working on. But then, as we tried 2 shot a net at him when he tried 2 jump towards the helicopter, some sort of weird portal opened up and then Shredder disappeared through it."

I was very confused. A portal?

"Where did the portal come from?"

"We don't know. Donnie is looking into it. We think that Shredder is working with that Stockman guy and April is going 2 sneak into the TCRI building later at night. She'll need support so, since my bros and I can't go above ground during the day, can u and the girls go help April after school."

"Ok my Tortuga chico. I'll let the girls know 2morrow at school. I'll c u at night. I luv u Raph." <3

"I'll c u soon. I love u 2 Red."

With that I turned my phone off and went to bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

Daisy's POV

I tried telling Donnie to let me come with him to stop Shredder escaping from prison, but he just was all, 'It's too dangerous for you to come' or 'I don't want to lose you.' So, I just sighed, I told him to not let Mikey break anything on the truck we were working on. He assured me and took me home. He dropped me off in an alley next to the door that lead into my family's flower shop. He kissed my gently on the lips and left to go stop Shredder. 

When I got into the apartment, my parents were in the kitchen sharing a bowl of cookies & cream ice cream. "Hi Mom, hi Dad." "Hi sweetie. So, how was your group date?" My mom asked me. "It was great. We had to leave early because, Dimitri and his brothers had a family emergency." I told them saying the lie that the girls and I thought of when we get home to tell our families. 

I hate lying 2 them, but I'm scared about what they would say if they knew that I was dating a six-foot talking mutant turtle, that was a Brainiac like me. Maybe they would like Donnie. "Well, it's been a long night. I should get to bed since I have school in the morning. Good night." I said as I gave my parents each a kiss on the cheek and headed for my room to get into my comfy PJ's.

~Time Skip~

Daisy's Bedroom:

Daisy's Bedroom:

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Daisy's Bed:

Daisy's Bed:

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