His Own Melody

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He took a deep breath and entered the brightly lit stage. He took his seat on the large platform. He'd been waiting for this day for a very long time. His long, slender fingers grazed the keys on the piano. He looked at his mom and was filled with nostalgia.

Two years back, he was seated in this very auditorium, but as a spectator. His friend was given the chance to play his original piece, in front of thousands of people. He was supposed to feel happy for his friend, but his despondent soul felt like a failure for not being up on the stage. After staying glum for a month or two, he pacified himself that it wasn't his time to shine yet. Days passed, and soon it was time for the holidays.

During the vacation, he left the institute and visited his mother in his hometown. He stayed there for a while, working on his piece, comparing it with that of his friend's. He was still disappointed with his work and so, day and night he toiled to perfect his piece. After the vacation, he left for the institute. When he reached his dorm, he threw his bag on the floor with frustration. A pink letter fell out from it and at once, he knew that it was from his mother. He skimmed through the introduction; heartwarming greetings and read the crux of the letter. It read,

My dear son, you becoming a pianist will bring all of us great joy. But I've noticed that you're being sidetracked. Becoming your true self is about finding your own melody, not finding the best melody. Do you hear that sound? It is the sound of a pianist striving for perfection. He is not there yet. But he will get there soon and all will applaud him for his melifluous melody. That my son, is you.



He realized his mistake. He'd been stressed out that he couldn't be like his friend. But his mother made him realise that he was designed to be himself and not someone else, and for that, he was absolutely grateful.

He was brought back to reality as soon as he heard his cue to start. He took a deep breath and spoke into the microphone, "Life is a melody. You have your moments of excitement when you're bubbling with life and your moments of grief and sorrow. In terms of music, I must say, moments of fortissimo and moments of pianissimo, respectively. You're life is not meant to be the best melody, it is meant to be your own melody."

He gazed at his mother with admiration, slightly nodded at the conductor and began to play his masterpiece.

Author's Note:

Hey there! 

Hope you liked the story. This was something I came up with in 5 minutes time for my school magazine. I'm not sure whether it's selected, so I thought I'd post it here. I would love to know what you think about "His Own Melody". Do share in the comments. Vote, comment, share (Only if you want to, not forcing y'all)

What I've attached above is the piano instrumental of "Tell your heart to beat again" by Danny Gokey. It's an amazing song and this instrumental version is beyond amazing. Do listen to it.

Sending lots of Love,


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