Chapter two... Right!

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Ashleigh's POV

"Guess what? Guess what? Guess, guess, guess, guess, guess, what what what what what what what???" I was repeating over and over into Kale's ear. It was the next day. Of course since it is you probably already know that... Well you SHOULD!

"WHAT?" He yelled at me. I nodded, always same reaction.

"I need to go pee," I whispered in his ear. He looked at me weirdly then chuckled realizing that look will not embarrass me. Signing he looked pointed at the washrooms and then at me like his answer was going to be quite obvious.

"But it's so far awayyyyyy," I complained. He looked at me like I was crazy. Pffssshhh thanks, I know I'm epic.

"Would you rather pee you pants or cross the lunchroom and go pee?" He asked me. Was that supposed to be a trick question?

"Use the washroom.... But I don't have to go anymore thanks though," I smiled cheerfully at his 'really oh my god get lost' look he directed in my direction. Suck it you ... You big ol' pineapple man.

"What's the point of telling me these kinds of things if it isn't going to lead us anywhere?" He asked me.... Why you confuse me?

"Say what?" I asked him.

"Nevermind, it's pointless to say," he sighed.

"Then just shut your mouth and don't start a conversation if it's pointless," I said to him, chuckling when his frustration showed clearly. If this was anime... He'd have like a dozen of those red thinging things on his head, and he'd be fuming.

...After Lunch...

"But I hate stupid drama class! Why is it even a subject?" I was complaining to Kale. My other friends don't take this class... Gosh darn it.

"Why did you even choose it to begin with then?" He asked me.

"I didn't, I let my dad choose for me because I didn't want anything that has to do with this school," I told him truthfully. Yeah... I wasn't very filled with enthusiasm about going here...

"We'll why don't you take your life in your own hands?" He asked... If this a game of twenty questions, then he is going to ask 18 more questions. Damn.

"Cuz I want to go to the Summer's fabulous party thing in the summer," I told him. Yeah... AND BE ALL NINJA AND TAKE THE FOOD!

"So, you let your dad drag you here... Just so you can attend your own family's party?" He asked... Sure, when said like that it sounds ridiculous.

"There are some things you don't understand with my family's relationship with me, so just stay out of it, anyways, class is about to start and now you made me late, good for nothing nerd I thought I had," I muttered the last part, but that doesn't mean he didn't heard it.

And I practically whispered it!

"Oh... So your just using me for my brains now eh?" He asked me. I turned to him slowly... dun dun duuunn.

Then, just out of the blue, I smiled very widely and nodded. Muhahaha.

**************Kale's POV****************

"Oh haha, very funny, come on, your making us late," I told her. See? This is her craziness! If my dad saw her, I think he'd agree with me and tell me to find someone else, anybody. My mum however pretty much controls him... so He'd say that she was my mate blah blah, the queen, more blahs, and then something about fate and stuff.

My mum is a big believer about true love and fate. All about.

"HEY! Your were making us late! I already pointed this out you .... big ol' pineapple man!" Ashleigh told me. Pineapple Man?

"So immature, how may I ask, are you related to Tom Summers again?" I asked her. By the time I asked that, we were in the hallway walking along towards the Drama Room. We were already about 10 minutes late.

"Uuuh.... He was adopted?" She asked me. Answer my question... with a question how thoughtful.

"Makes sense... If he didn't look like you," I told her with a smirk on my face.

"He doesn't look like me," she immediately replied.

"Yeah right," I chuckled.

"He looks like me, very big difference," She said brightly... Instead of sarcastic, she said it brightly.

"Oh? But he was born first," I told her.

"I was born this way, he was born before me to predict me... yeah, that makes sense," She said. At that I laughed.

She may be immature and not fit to be the queen of Vampires... But her company is quite humorous.

After school, I walked from the school building, until I was in an abandoned alley. I looked around, walking slowly, listening for anything that I could pick up on.

And then it made noise.

"Fuck," a single word.

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