FA:TS- Chapter 29

Start from the beginning

"I think in all these years I would learn to swim. I picked up many things just to do something. To keep occupied and not go crazy with the ever changing world against my standing still one."

"Anything that you liked doing?" He queried as they descended the stairs.

She shook her head. "Never had enough time to get very far into anything I started. When I leave and make a new place, I don't start what I've work on. Jobs. Hobbies. Anything that could lead someone to me."

"Anything you want to try again?"

"Actually a few things."

"Like what?"

"Umm... Rock climbing."

"Really? I would never think you were one to rock climb. I like to rock climb as well. There's possibly somewhere around here we could go and climb. I'll ask Targ and the others where the best places are."

"I think I would need practice first."

Mark jumped in front of her and put his hands on her waist walking backward. "I'll be your instructor if you would like." He said swaying back and forth as he walked trying not to step on her feet.

Dawn put her hands on his chest. "You would do that?"

He shrugged. "Would I let anyone else touch you while instructing you?"

"You really should watch where you're going."

He smirked. "Am I making you nervous?" She blushed and nodded. He chuckled as he went back to walk next to her.

They got to the pool and saw Han and Diana already there lounging on the build-in seat in the shallow end of the pool. Mark smiled devilishly as he threw his towel on the closest before he lifted Dawn up into his arms. She giggled but then gasped when he took her towel off her waist.

"What are you doing?"

"I think you need to have fun. Starting...Now!" He ran to the edge of the deeper end of the pool and jumped in holding her. She squealed as she held onto him.

They splashed into the pool and were separated by the rush of water. They surfaced and Dawn shook her head at Mark before she splashed him. He was laughing but didn't see her sink under the water when he went to retaliate.

He looked around when he realized she wasn't there. He spun around. "Dawn?" He took a few steps wading water searching for Dawn. She was no where to be seen. He thought she might have popped somewhere.

Suddenly arms clamped around his chest and legs around his waist. "Got you."

He laughed. "Tell me you just had fun."

She giggled. "Um-hmm." Her voice hummed into his ear. "That's the plan, isn't it?"

He smiled glancing behind to see her grinning at him. He raised an eyebrow. "If you wanted a ride, you just have to ask."

She shook her head as she let go. He frowned till he saw her swimming around him. She stood on her tippy toes in front of him. "What should we do?"

He grinned as he put his hands on her waist and lifted her up just a bit so she wasn't touching the bottom of the pool. He moved backwards as he brought her closer to him. She smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

He loved seeing her smile. That he was the one to cause it just holding her. He noticed for the first time what Diana had said. Dawn does shimmer more from an inner light. Was she thinking about him? Was that why she shimmers like that?

"What are you thinking about?" Mark asked curious.


He smiled more. "And what about me?"

A slight hint of a blush tinged her cheeks. "That you make everything seem fun. That your hands feel so warm on my waist. And I feel the heat of your body. You warm me up."

His eyes flashed before he pulled her sharply against him. A small soft gasp came from her when he did so. He slid his hands around her back securing her to him more. He needed to feel more of her.

"You nice and toasty now?" He asked as he shifted so they were gliding around the pool with Dawn on top of him. Dawn nodded. "Yes I am."

"CANNONBALL!" Barr shouted as he came running into the pool room. He threw his towel to the closest chair and went straight into the deep end of the pool.

The wave Barr created forced Dawn to roll off Mark as they both went under the surface. They all three came up and wiped their faces off. Barr was grinning like a madman. He had done that on purpose seeing the two were in the open water and not on the edge like Han and Diana. They knew all too well that he loved doing cannonballs into the deep end.

"Barr! You just had to do a cannonball." Targ asked strutting in with Pana at his side.

"OF COURSE! They were getting too lovey dovey again." Barr said pointing to Dawn and Mark. Mark held Dawn from behind as he didn't want to stop touching her for very long.

Targ hung his head and chuckled. "Don't blame them for you doing the cannonball."

Pana moved to the sound system and turned it on. As she did, many others came into the poolroom. Some got into the pool. A few stayed along the edge and sat in chairs. All looking very comfortable.

Mark slowly guided Dawn to the outside section of the pool. The day was beautiful. A few clouds in the sky, but still a clear sky. The sun shown down as they passed the partition that was up due to the glorious day.

They laid down side by side holding hands at the extremely shallow end. This end was good for sun bathing as the water only came up a few inches. Someone could rest their back on the bottom of the pool and the water would only come up to their ears.

Mark smirked as he shifted till he rested his forearm on the pool floor and looked down at Dawn. "You know... Sunbathing is easier if you take that shirt off. No one will see you differently. You're still gorgeous with or without it on."

"But I'm not used to showing my body."

Mark caressed her hair that was moving under the surface of the water. "I know. But I promise that it would feel freeing to you if you took it off. Get you a little out of your shell."

"I'm scared."

His gaze softened at her admission of her feelings. "I'll help you. Just trust in me." She swallowed and then nodded to him. She had grown to trust him completely.

They both sat up and Mark help Dawn remove the shirt that clung to her body. He pulled the hem up over her head and helped her remove it from her arms. The shirt was slightly heavy from the water, but he managed to fling it to the edge of the pool.

"See. Not so bad. Now the sun can warm up your delicate and perfect stomach." He loved seeing more of her. He couldn't believe how much in awe he was over her. She was so shy about everything that he fell in love with her even more.

"I don't like attention." Dawn hung her head not wanting to see the others staring at her. Though at the moment, there was not a single eye gazing at her other than Mark's. They were all in the inside pool area having fun.

"Don't worry. You just have my attention. The others were told that you're a very private person." Mark said to sooth Dawn as he saw her head down and her finger making swirls in the water.

Mark lifts her chin up till she was looking at him. He saw the insecurity that she had about herself in her eyes. He knew there was a lot of work to be done. One thing he was happy about was that she was letting him help her. She was giving him each inch he asked for.

"Shall we sunbath now? Just relax out here with the perfect sunny day." She smiled at him and nodded. He smiled back at her as he leaned in and kissed her gently.

Dawn and Mark laid back down in the water. Mark held her hand as they stayed next to each other. Dawn smiled as she laced her fingers with his.


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