English Books

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Capítulo 100% em inglês.


First of all, I'm so sorry for haven't posted since February, I was really busy at school (I'm on High School now!)

Now with this School break (Coronavirus Fault) I have more time for you guys.

In this new chapter, I wanted to recomend some English books for advanced English. But, what is advanced English?

Everyone says that, having an advanced English is understand everything, know the whole vocabulary or even speak with a perfect accent, but is nonne of these above. Advanced English in my opinion is you understand more than 50% of the dialogue or read (like this text) and understand more than 50%. We can't  define Advanced English according to the pronounce or accent (even to Americans, they have a lot of different accents).

Now, as I said in the beginning, let's go to the recommendations.

(Remembering that I'm not restricting these books only for advanced ones, you intermediate guy, can read too)

I will start with the easy ones

1- The little Prince

It has a simple vocabulary and images (as it was wrote for kids)

2- Peter Pan

Good interpretation of the worlds and fantasy vocabulary.

3- Harry Potter.

Also wrote for kids (but is getting difficult in the other books) easy to understand.

Intermediate ones

1- Wonder

Even the characters being kids, this book is in Adults Category (more difficult Vocabulary)

2- Percy Jackson

These books are made for Teenagers, Greek mythology vocabulary and a lot of slangs.

Advanced ones

1- Alice in Wonderland

It's a funny book with a lot of jokes and mixed words.

2- The secret Garden.

I think is the hardest one (I'm reading it yet)
The vocabulary is strong and old, and a lot of the characters speak with Yorkshire accent (they "eat" some words and make this harder to read)
But is the nicest book I've ever read!

So, these were the recommendations, I hope you liked it! And congratulations if you could understand what is in this chapter❤

Tell me you favorite book here! (Me diga seu livro favorito)

I'll be back soon!

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