Chapter 10

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"Morning." A voice said to Quinn as she looks down at her chest and saw the Latina on her chest.

"Morning you couldn't sleep on your own side of the bed?" She ask her.

Santana moves her head to look up at her "what are you trying to say?"

Quinn smiles a little before Santana playfully hits her. "Are you calling me fat asshole?" She ask smiling as she sits up.

Quinn smiles as she pulls her to sit on her lap and wraps her arms around her waist. "No ma'am." she says against her lips as she kisses them softly. "You are far from that." She says kissing her lips again.

They started making out for a few minutes till Quinn rolls them over and spreads the Latina's legs opening. Just as she was about to slide in there was a small knock on the door.

"Mami?"Devin says knocking on the door.

Santana pushes her back quickly before throwing the blonde her undershirt and boxers before grabbing her robe and opens the door for him.

"Hi baby." she says smiling as she picks him up and gives him a kiss on his cheek.

He smiles as he looks back and saw Quinn. "Hi." he says smiling at her as he shows his missing bottom tooth.

Quinn smiles back at him. "Morning kid." she says sitting up now.

"Can we go to the park today mami?" He asks her as he leans his head on her chest.

"Of course baby," she says smiling as she kisses his head. "Why don't you go get dressed and I'll meet you in the living room." She tells him as she puts him down.

Devin ran out of the room as Santana turns back around to face Quinn before crawling back on the bed towards her and onto her lap and straddles her.

"I should get going." She says looking up at her.

"What? Why?" She asks sitting up now. ''Was it because of Devin?" She asks her.

"What? No, no I like you a lot okay? But I don't think we should be moving quickly and you're married Santana," she says moving her hair out of her face." And we just slept together twice."

Santana gets off of the blonde and grabs her clothes off the ground and threw it at her. "I knew this was gonna fucking happen get out!" She yells at her.

"You can't be serious right now Santana." Quinn says sliding out of the bed.

The Latina had tears in her eyes as they were running down her face. "I felt a connection with you Quinn and we..."

"And what?" She asks her as she pulls her by her arm. "You made a mistake with me?" She asks looking down into her eyes.

Just as Santana was about to open her mouth one of their phone started to ring.

"I'll call you later." Quinn said getting dressed before Santana picked up her phone and walks out of the room to the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

Quinn made sure she got everything and walks out of the Latina's room and walking straight into her son in the hallway.

"Oh sorry little man." She says smiling as she ran her fingers through his hair.

He smiles up at her before hugging her waist. "Are you coming to the park with us?"


"No baby, Quinn has to go home." Santana says opening the room door and picks him up as she looks up at the blonde.

Quinn was looking at him before looking over at Santana. "Um actually yeah I would like to come to the park with you little man." She says smiling at him.

Santana gave her 'are you fucking kidding me' look as her eyes were wide opened.

"Yes! I'm gonna go get some toys." He says jumping down from Santana's arms and ran off to his room.

"Quinn what the hell are you doing?" The Latina asked as she waited for a minute just in case Devin comes back out.

Quinn didn't say anything as she pushes her against the wall and moves closer to her face. "This." She says as she lightly kissing her lips as she lifts her leg up and moves her front into her center.

Santana couldn't do anything but to wrap her arms around the blonde's neck and kisses her back as they were up there fighting for dominant.

Quinn was the first one to pull back as air was becoming a problem but she didn't want to stop till Santana bit her bottom lip. "I want this to work out," she says looking into Santana's dark chocolate brown eyes. "Fuck your wife she doesn't deserve you and I'm not gonna lose you not again and I know you felt something last night between us like we belong together, because we don't Santana." She says softly as she was cupping her face.

Santana was lost and didn't have any words coming out of her mouth. It all feels like a dream, in her whole relationship with Brittany she never felt like this before and with Quinn she feels like she could have had this life with her and her children.

"Mami I'm ready!" Devin yells coming back to where they were standing at in the hallway.

Santana closes the distance into between them and kisses Quinn's lips softly and passionately.

Quinn was slightly caught off guard before kissing her back as she let's out a soft moan as she squeezes her hips.

"Eww mami." Devin says as he made a face and pushes them away from each other. "She's my mami."

Quinn smiles as she pulls back before lifting him up. "Sorry little man, I think your mami is cute." She says smiling as she looks over at her.

Santana started blushing as she looks away from her.

Quinn licks her lips before she started smiling. "Are you blushing Mrs. Lopez?" She asks jokingly.

The Latina clears her throat before looking at the blonde with her HBIC face. "I do not blush and go before I change my mind about spending the day with you." She says turning around and walks away from her with a smile on her face.

"You think she likes me?" Quinn asks him as she follows behind the Latina.

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