25 | emergency

513 31 12


*BAMMMMM* was all I heard before y/n was cut off from the line.

My thoughts were filled with terrible ones, is y/n safe? is she alive? how about Yonghoon hyung is he okay? I trembled with fear and couldn't stay calm, I walked around the room back to front repeatedly.

"Leedo is there something wrong? " Seoho asked with curious eyes.

"I think y/n and Yonghoon hyung got into an accident." I replied and Seoho immediately rushed to me and held my shirt.

"WHAT, TELL ME NOW. WHAT DID I HEAR " Seoho said with raging anger in his eyes.

Suddenly my phone buzzed and I was hoping it wasn't the police, I don't want what y/n said in her dream to come true..... just wait y/n i'll be there.

I looked at my phone and there it wrote "emergency call"

"YES IT'S TRUE" I shouted at Seoho and a tear came out from my eyes as I picked up the phone. Seoho just stood there shocked.

" Hello is this one of y/n's family members ? or even a close friend ? " the person on the other line said in a rush.

"h-hello and yes." I replied quickly but I was hoping nothing bad actually happened.

" We are currently rushing to the hospital with y/n and her brother. They got into a really bad accident and we'll need you to be at the hospital, y/n's brother is unconcious and is losing a lot of blood, we need someone to donate him some blood if you're willing to"

" sure I will be there. " I rushed straight to the hospital.

" LEEDO " Seoho shouted but I couldn't entertain him anymore, I need to be at the hospital or worst things could happen.

[ Y/N'S POV ]

The last thing I heard was Leedo's voice asking if i was okay.

I blacked out and when I opened my eyes slightly I was lying on the floor and Yonghoon was beside me but he was bleeding terribly. I reached my hand out and held his hand and spoke out softly "Yonghoon where are we." Yonghoon didn't move nor asnwered me.

A few minutes later I saw a paramedic coming my way and asked me " are you concious, can we know your name and who is this beside you?" The paramedic swarmed me with questions while they carried me onto a stretcher.

" I'm y/n and he's my brother" I said without any breath left.

" is there someone we can contact, your brother is losing a lot of blood and we're currently rushing you both to a nearby hospital. " The paramedic gave me an inhaler for oxygen.

"uhh, you can call my friend , he's name is Leedo, he's contact name in my phone is the only one that has an emoji." I said and soon after blacked out.


I immediately contacted y/n's parents and the whole of weus to meet at the hospital.

I reached there and rushed to the emergency room.

"are you leedo?"

" yes I am"

The nurses immediately took some of my blood for Yonghoon and I had to wait outside of the emergency room.

I sat outside the room with my hands covering my face while tears fell. I was so frustrated, why didn't I know that y/n's dream actually would happen.

"Leedo" y/n's mom called me. She gave me a reassuring smile and held my hand tightly.

"It's okay, they'll be fine"

Soon the whole of weus arrived and they all looked really worried.

" is y/n going to be okay?" they frowned and looked at the emergency room.

I sighed and looked away because I didn't want to show my emotions to them.

Harin sat beside me and patted my shoulder.

" She's going to be fine " Harin smiled with a worried expression.

A few hours that felt more like days passed and finally the doctor walked out of the room. He walked towards y/n's parents and held their hands.

" Are you the parents of patient Jin Yonghoon and Jin y/n?."

" yes we are " they answered quickly while their sweat was pouring heavily.

"I have some good and bad news." The doctor said as he took of his spectacles.

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