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"But it's being thrown by the CEO of..."
"Don't give a fuck." Y/N interrupted Jin mid-sentence, eyes focused on her computer.

"Okay. Well...just wanted to make sure you're aware."

"I'm very aware." She was aware of just how a lot of those men viewed her. She despised their lack of respect for their fellow human beings. How they looked down on her for being both a foreigner and woman. Normally she put up with it, forced herself to go to these flashy gatherings that were designed to just show off how much wealth these people had and how superior they thought they were to each other. Like preening peacocks, and they looked just as ridiculous. But she was still kind of annoyed by the whole club thing. She'd even mentioned to Jimin that she had a party coming up that she should probably attend, but she just...didn't want to. She felt really weary of the fakery at the moment.

She was so glad that Jin had recommended him. Jimin's work was paying off and he was a pleasant person, sitting through many a rant with the patience of a saint. And he didn't monopolize the conversation like Nicole usually did. At some point she would move on from his lessons and she hoped...she'd become a little attached to him and she hoped maybe he'd be okay with remaining acquaintances on good terms. She would never judge him for his work and he knew some of the most intimate things in the world about her, it made sense right? She was a little nervous about asking him but knew when it was time, she would regret it if she didn't.


Jimin rarely accepted appointments like this. His past and current clientele was large enough that it was slightly awkward to show up to large gatherings on the arm of someone. He knew the secrets of so many people at these gatherings, for many of them he was the secret. And a lot of them judged him, sending disgusted looks his way, despite their money being the reason he did so well.

But his friends were going to be there and Y/N had expressed her distaste in going. He supposed his clients could suck it up for one night, maybe it was good to remind them that if they didn't play nice they could be buried in scandal by the media. For some reason, the idea of Y/N seeing him with other clients made him feel weird, in a bad way. And there was always the possibility, if she was here, that he'd slip up and she'd realize he knew Jin. He wished Jin hadn't wanted to keep their friendship from her, it just complicated things. But she wasn't coming. So nothing to be complicated, right?


She was an idiot. She should've just stayed home. She shouldn't have felt guilty about Jin potentially having to deal with company investors and rivals by himself. She knew he was competent. But she was too much of a boss, she worried about the people she supervised.

Later, she would wonder why she gave so much of a damn. Obviously, other people had no problem betraying her, gossiping about her private life and giggling behind her back. Or at least....that's how it felt.

Y/N had dusted a stray piece of lint off her pantsuit and idly wondered where it had come from. Her house was clean, she'd ran a roller over her suit, where did this lint come from? Did lint just spontaneously explode into existence, all over her closet? This was the track her thoughts were taking when she entered the huge room, that in another age could've functioned as a ballroom, and stopped. What the actual fuck.

There was her employee, standing next to the man she paid to fuck her....and Jin was resting his arm on Jimin's shoulder....? There was another person with Jimin, who had their hand in his. She assumed another client. She felt distaste in the back of her mouth but she wasn't sure if it was because of the other client or because....did Jimin and Jin know each other...? She quickly looked away and took a deep breath.

Nonsense. Jin would've told her if they did. They'd run into each other once and both were friendly people. Maybe that was why...? She started to walk over to announce her arrival to Jin when Jimin leaned up and whispered something in his ear. Both broke apart giggling, looking almost like school boys for a second. Y/N stopped again, her face hardening. This wasn't....this wasn't casual acquaintance.

If she had any doubts, when Jimin spotted her and turned white as a sheet removed all of them. He quickly shook Jin's arm off his shoulder and slumped his, almost like he was trying to make himself seem smaller. He had guilt written all over his face. Jin looked puzzled and glanced up to see what would've made Jimin behave that way, then froze when he saw Y/N. His also guilty face told her everything she needed to know. A couple of the people in their group saw the looks on their faces and turned see what had caused this, one of them face-palming and then shooting both Jimin and Jin a glare.

"Welp, you two really did it this time." She heard someone say as she got closer. But she didn't have a chance to say anything because the client Jimin was with, oblivious to the sudden increased tension in the group, tugged on Jimin's hand and excused herself, wanting to go talk to a friend. Jimin looked torn but chose to do his job and put off the inevitable confrontation, dragging his feet behind the client.

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