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Sorry, guys, this is not a chapter.  Sorry for the disclaimer.  I will get to work on the next one, though, I promise, I've just been super busy.  Anywho, I've been seeing how the views on my story have been going up and I want to thank all of my fans for reading my useless crap. It all started with two fans, and they were the ones who kept me going when I was going to give up, along with CastielBee (also known as Kate), who has been there for me and helped me with the illusive writers block.  I love you guys with all of my heart and I don't know how to thank you enough .  I have been thinking about things and I wanted to let you know something:

If I get to 75 views, I will tell ten things about myself, if I get to 100, I will show you some of my other writing that I have been working on, once I get to 175, I will do a Q/A (question and answer).  I will give you more details later, but I just wanted to let you guys know what I have been thinking, so yeah, that's that.

Alright my peeps, stay healthy, don't get that coronavirus, and comment below some of your questions (if you want), and some comments about the story or ideas or just anything for that matter.  See you soon, my darlings, and have a lovely and not so boring quarantine!!!


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