Chapters 5&6

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(Lady Juliette's POV)

Lydia just lets out a shriek. Everyone stares at her and she points to me.
She says "You. Stay away from Prince Carter. He's mine you dirty five."
I bite my tongue to keep my words contained.
She comes up and whispers in my ear, "Every time I see you with him, something bad will happen to you."
I shiver at her cold words. I stay strong and ignore the stares. I look at Carter and Romeo. A tear trickles down my cheek. Lydia looks at me, smiles and walks away.
I wake up quickly. My breathing is rapid and my heart race is a mile a minute. I calm myself down when I feel arms wrapped around me. My face is tear stained and I see Carter looking me over, seeing if I'm hurt. "Just a dream." I say
"Go back to sleep, Juliette."
And so I do. In the love of my life's arms. I nuzzle into his chest and fall asleep with no dreams at all.
I wake up in the morning at four thirty, still in my dress. I carefully get up, trying not to wake Carter up. He quietly snores and I laugh. I take out my camera and take a picture. I laugh at it and decide to write him a note. I write

Dear Carter,
I don't remember how we ended up sleeping together, but it was nice. I'm sorry I get up so early. I didn't want to awake you. I will be in the palace somewhere or maybe in the gardens.

P.S. Your snore is adorable and I may or may not have taken a picture.


I quietly ring for my maids and they see him sleeping. I blush and mutter "Nothing happened."
They laugh and say "It's supposed to be eighty even though it's late October. We decided to put you in a cute short dress. I take a quick five minute bath while Grace lightly curls my hair. I slip into a cute blue and white short dress. The bottom is flowy and white, while the top is blue with a bow. Grace finished my hair by braiding it and putting a pink bow clip into it. Morgan puts on pink polka dot heels. Katy applies light makeup. Katy and Morgan do my nails while Grace puts on a bow necklace. I look in the mirror. I am covered in my bow symbol.

I kiss Carter's forehead. I then leave and walk to the garden. I'm halfway down the stairs when I trip and start to fall. Before I hit the ground, someone catches me. I look up to see Romeo.
He says "You better watch where your walking. There won't always be a Prince to catch you." he smirks.

I giggle and playfully slap his arm "whatever."

He asks "Juliette, would you like to go on a date with me?"

"I'd love to."

"Great I'll be at your door after breakfast."

I blush, smile, and walk away.

I hear a faint "yes!", but I'm sure it's just my mind.

I walk in to the library and read for fifteen minutes. I decide to put "The Fault In Our Stars" in a special spot.

Instead of going to the gardens, I decide to walk around. I somehow end up in a music room and begin to play piano. I play "All Of Me" by John Legend and sing.

When I finish, I turn around and hear clapping. I see Prince Romeo standing at the door, clapping. He smiles and says "That was amazing."

I blush "thanks."

"Can you play a song for me?"

"Sure. What song?"

"By the Grace of God."

I start to play and sing. He looks at me and claps again.

I say "I'm really not that good."

"Are you kidding me? Yes you are."

Lady Juliette CalasterWhere stories live. Discover now