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(Juliette's POV)

I take my seat in the chairs while smiling brightly at the camera. We are on the Report right now, and everyone is waiting to see who each Prince will pick. I know that Carter will pick me, I just don't know who Romeo will pick.

Gavril announces for Carter to pick his wife, but Romeo interjects.

"I'd like to pick first."

"Well, its traditional that the heir picks first." Gavril convinces.

Carter goes to pick but Romeo whispers something into his ear. He shakes his head and kneels in front of me.

"Juliette, will you marry me?"

I look at him and smile. Through my peripheral vision I see Romeo getting angry, but I don't care.

"Yes." I say and kiss him.

Everyone 'awes' as we kiss publicly for the first time.

Romeo surprisingly chooses Raven. They basically make out while feeling each other and the crowd stays silent except for a few awkwardly slow claps.

Later that night, I sleep in the princess suite with him and we spoon.

"I love you so much." Carter whispers in my hair.

"I love you more." I say.

"Juliette, do you want to have children? Like, after we're married maybe and stuff-"

"I'd love to." I cut his rambles off.

"After marriage?" He asks, a bit disappointed.

"I don't care." I say.

He kisses me passionately and we fall asleep after making love.


I wake up a few weeks later. Carter and I have had sex about four or five times now, and I feel pretty sick.

Our wedding is in two days.

I basically run to the bathroom after untangling myself from Carter and empty my stomach. He delicately pulls back my hair and whispers sweet nothings.

I quickly flush the toilet and take a shower, while brushing teeth. I wash myself clean and change into jeans and a shirt.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'll be right back."

He nods and I stroll down to the infirmary, taking a pregnancy test. I gasp as I see the plus sign.

I start crying.

I don't know if I can do this. I can't be a mother! How will Carter think? Oh my god, he probably isn't ready.

I knew it was going to happen sooner or later, but I didn't expect it to be so soon.

I decide to tell mom first.

I walk around the halls, looking for the queen. I find her in the woman's room.

I walk in and ask for her time.

"Of course, Juliette. What brings you here?"

I hold up the pregnancy test.

"Oh my god." She hugs me and starts crying.

"I just don't know if I'm ready."

"I'll help you along the way; everyone in the palace will!" She reassures.

"Have you told Carter yet?"

"No. I came to you first."

"We'll go tell him!"

"Okay." I laugh.

I walk back to the princess suite to see Carter still in bed, the test safely in my pocket (and clean.)

"You've been crying, princess. What's wrong?" He pulls me close.

"Um.." I start off.

I sigh and close my eyes, taking out the test and putting it in his hand.

I squeeze my eyes shut, awaiting his reaction.

"Juliette, open your eyes." He says softly.

I peek out, one eye at a time.

"I love you, angel."

He kisses me passionately.

When he pulls away, he grins and picks me up, twirling me in the air before putting me back down abruptly.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry. Is the baby okay?"

I laugh and explain to him that the baby isn't even a baby yet.

"Oh, well still." He tries to redeem himself.

I laugh and kiss him, since finally, things are going our way.

Lady Juliette CalasterWhere stories live. Discover now