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WHEN ANASTASIYA REACHED the door to her bedroom, she felt like breaking down. Everything felt off, and she felt nothing. Numb, from the loss of her best friend. She felt ashamed, as she was unable to help save Pietro from his death, and she felt to blame. It hurt her even more to know her sister, the only member of her family that she has left, also believed that the teenage girl was responsible for Pietro's death.

She heaved herself onto her bed, and laid there for a while, a mixture of sadness and hatred towards herself crossed her mind. Her pillow was tear stained, and she had makeup running down her cheeks.

"Why wear makeup to a funeral? You're only going to cry it off anyway," Anastasiya thought to herself, as she wiped her face dry. She pulled herself up, steadily to her feet, and she walked out the door and down to the kitchen, ignoring the rest of the people who watched her as she went.

When she reached the door, she saw Wanda sat at the table with the rest of the Avengers sat on a sofa in front. Wanda shot her an icy glare, before she got up and walked over to the fridge, barging into Anastasiya hard as she walked passed her. Anastasiya ignored her, but as she walked back to the table she did it again.

"What's your problem, Wanda?" Anastasiya cried out, as she massaged her shoulder which was throbbing from where her older sister had hurt her.

"What's my problem, Anastasiya? You're my problem. This is all your fault, and I blame you," Wanda sneered, taking a sip of the water she had just poured herself.

"I don't understand."

"Of course you don't. You're just a dumb teenager with everyone wrapped round their little finger, but I know who you really are," Wanda retorted, and the other Avengers watched in shock at Wanda's outburst.

"I don't understand what I've done wrong, Wanda," Anastasiya muttered. "All I want to do is be a family again."

"You've screwed that up big time. Pietro is gone. My brother is gone and it's your fault because you're incapable of defending yourself, and you feel like you always need to be the one to save the day. But you failed, and look where that got us."

"He was my brother too Wanda!" Anastasiya screeched, tears falling thick and fast down her pale face. "I wish it was me too. But guess what. We don't always get what we want."

"You've always been the least favourite, Ana. Even our parents. Me and Pietro were here before you, so they favoured us. We were their favourite, until you came along and ruined everything for us. Everyone would be so much happier without you."

Anastasiya stood there, dumbstruck, and she felt like she had been slapped across the face. Hard.

"You know what, Wanda? I'm done with you. If you want to blame me for Pietro's death, then fine. But don't dump all the rest of your problems on me when you get angry. I'm not a doll for you to play with my emotions. Whether you like it or not, we're family. We're the last two Maximoff's and I don't think Pietro nor our parents would be happy with us acting like children," she spat, before turning her heel and walking out the door.

She reached her bedroom and slammed the door behind her, as she slid down the wall and sobbed.


Several days had passed since Anastasiya and Wanda's argument, and Anastasiya hadn't left her room. Natasha, Steve and Tony would come and see if she was okay every so often, bringing her food, but she just wanted to be alone. Wanda hadn't come once, but Anastasiya didn't care - she didn't even want to look at her older sister.

Today they were starting training, to become an official member of the Avengers. Usually, Anastasiya would have been excited, but she wasn't. She got herself up anyway, and she was ready within minutes in the costume which Natasha had provided for her. She assumed Wanda's was similar.

The ginger made her way down the hall, and into a room with massive glass windows.

"Hey kid, how you doing?" she heard Sam's voice call. She smiled at him.

"Better. Thank you." Sam knew she was lying - he could see her red puffy eyes and her tear stained cheeks, but he didn't push her. He simply nodded at her and landed on the ground in front. 

"Come on," he said, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the front door.

Seconds later, it opened, revealing Natasha and Steve. Wanda, Rhodey and Vision landed slightly in front of them. 

Anastasiya decided this was the beginning of a new life, a better one.


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