Chapter 1;Fated Meeting

Start from the beginning

  "Chill dude,I'm totally messing with you.You must be new here 'cause I've never seen you here before,AND believe me when I say how I would remember you .After all how could I forget such a beauty like you?" The mystery boy replied smoothly almost as if he's used this line a million times,which let's be honest is probably accurate.

"Wow,quite a flirt aren't you?For your information I'm not new here,I just take a different route but today the road I usually go for is closed for awhile due to construction so I'm just unfamiliar with this place is all" I spoke honestly.

 "Technically you just gave the definition of being 'new here' "He teased.

"No,I said that I'm just unfamiliar with the place and have never been here before so I'm trying it out!" I retorted.

''NOPE!You just said you have never been here before so you are unfamiliar therefore if you have never been here before and don't know anything THEN you are new to the area!Just give up and agree with me"He chuckled.I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest but decided to give in.

"Fine,whatever yes I am new to the area..."I huffed.

"Now was that really so hard,my friend?"He chuckled.The mention of him calling me friend put a fuzzy smile on my face.

He finished up laughing,and it went back to silence while he looked at the ground.To be honest it seemed as if he was taking in all this information.Things have become extremely awkward,but I don't want to be the one to speak...Oh screw it.Dear mother of death strike me dead if I mess up please..

   "Keith..."I squeaked out.This took him by surprise because he nearly jumped off the bench when I spoke,and his face formed from surprise to confusion.

   "My name...It's Keith" I coughed out.I tried to look away so my slight blush would settle down,but I swear I saw a slight smile appear upon his lips.It was absolutely adorable!

  "Lance.Lance McClain Princess" After he mentioned princess he winked at ME!I swear that from far away,you would have mistaken me for a tomato from that little meaningless nickname.

  "Shut up!I'm no princess Loverboy."I scoffed.Oh my god I'm gonna drop dead now.The boy named Lance gasped.

 "Fine if you don't like princess how about..."He pouted as he comprehended what to rename me.I rolled my eyes and chuckled at the pouting boy in front of me.How Adorable.Then all of a sudden his mesmerizing eyes lit up as he jumped in the air(literally)as he pointed a finger at me.

"I GOT IT!You my dear keef will be called Cariño"He squealed.At the mention of keef I grit my teeth then calmed down.Wait—What in the quiznak is a Cariño?

 "Little English over here please.Define Cariño."I pouted.He just laughed slightly.Damn that laugh sounded so amazing...

"One day Cariño...One day I'll tell you."He sang.Man I've never been so curious in my life.Just then our laughter dies down once we hear an engine come at us.Well would ya look at that my bus finally decided to show!I turn my head back to Lance but start to notice him standing up and walking in the direction the bus was coming from.The bus slowed to a stop in front of me.I didn't realize what I was doing but all of a sudden I leaped and then...BOOM!I gripped Lance's coat.He seemed a little surprised at my actions.I quickly let go of the jacket and fiddled with my hands as he stared at me

"OH!uh sorry!I just wanted to ask...When I'll see ya again?.."I responded nervously.

"Hmm depends.Ya coming here tomorrow?"He questioned.I shook my head yes very quickly.He gave me a teasing smile,but once he stopped smiling he extended his hand out and I just stared at it.

"Well Cariño until then."He replied softly.He reached out his hand for me to take,but I still stared but I didn't stare at his hand...I looked at him...I finally gained my confidence back and smirked at him which seemed to throw him off..Good.

  ''Yea...Till then loverboy."I responded smoothly.He seemed to have amusement at his new nickname.He did seem to scoff at the recognition of the name however but hey it's all fun n' games.Then I did it.I grabbed his hand and in that moment the whole world stopped moving...For once in my entire life Everything lit up,everything seemed so bright and gorgeous...We both felt a small spark and I got lost in his eyes again.Except I don't know if he felt a spark but I definitely did.

 'Damn what is this boy doing to me?' 

  I scoffed at my own idea.I realized how much time I wasted for the bus driver so I quickly let go and turned around.I hopped on and watched Lance walking away through my window.I smiled softly at him and he returned the smile but his seemed brighter than mine.The bus started again and drove off with dust trailing behind it.Now that I've met Lance, the sky didn't seem as sad as it did so long ago.I take a quick glance back and see him skipping with a blue umbrella high over his head. Heh cute.I put my headphones on and closed my eyes waiting to get home to Cole.My eyes quickly shot open as soon as I heard the bus driver...

"Ah young love.I remember me and my wife being like that..."He sighed.I grew different shades of red.Those words were stuck in my head the remaining time home.I glared daggers at the bus driver but turned away to look out the window.

  'Maybe he's right?Nah what am I saying he's just some old geezer.'That was the end of my discussing with myself since I thought it was such a ridiculous idea.

 'Oh..Hey it stopped raining!' 

 I thought back to Lance,and his cute smile,and face popped up wearing such a genuine smile and that smile was meant only for me..I smiled at continued to listen to the bus driver rant about young love,and how I was such in a cute 'relationship'.I scoffed and finally turned on my music to drown him out and ended up falling asleep...

What I did not realize though...Was how right he would be.That day I met Lance on a cold rainy September day.Man I would never guess how quickly things would turn.Oh well...

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