"It was scary for me too. I didn't hurt you too bad, did I?" 

"No, I'm okay. As long as you're okay." 

"I'm okay." My hand brushed against hers, "Y/n, I don't know about you, but I still really miss you." 

"What do you mean?" 

"Like, I miss holding your hand on our school walks, I miss talking to you, and calling you love." Why did I say that!? How did I say that!? She doesn't want me! Ahhh...

"Wait, really? You do?" I nodded, "I do too." 

"Maybe we could, try again?" I asked as we got to her front door. 

"I'd like that." She said, as we walked inside, "My parents aren't home yet. Come on." She took my hand, leading me to her bedroom. The door shut behind us as we sat on the bed. She held my cheek in her hand, caressing it with her thumb, and smiled. Her skin is so soft, she looks so pretty, I really hope I'm not dreaming...

"I love you." Oh god, why did I say that!? I didn't mean to say that! No!

"I love you too, Mikes." She smiled and pulled my face close to hers, joining our lips together, "I always have." She whispered. Oh my, I missed these lips more than anything...

I leaned into her and she fell back on the bed. While I fell on top of her. My lips going all over her face and neck. A tingle ran through my spine, a familiar tingle, the one I used to get from holding her close. The one that came from holding her hand, or simply being near her. A happy tingle.

"Oh love, you are so beautiful." I whispered. 

"I'm not sure if you noticed, but I'm wearing your sweater." 

"Yeah, I noticed. It looks good on you." She smiled and brought her lips to mine. Suddenly, she pushed me off and looked towards the door.

"I think my parents are home." She looked back to me and smiled, "I bet they'll be happy to see you again." She kissed my cheek and took my hand; leading me to the living room. The door opened, but it wasn't her parents that entered.

"Hey guys!" Gerard, Frank, Ray, and Pete strutted through the door, her parents right behind.

"Y/n, we ran into your little friends and invited them to dinner!" She immediately lit up.

"That's so cool! Hi guys!" She giggled, walking to them. 

"Hi Mikey, good to see you around again." Her mom said.

"Thanks, I'm happy to be here." I got up and joined my friends in Y/n's room. 

"...and then, he turned into this monster thing. What did he call it again?" Gerard turned to Y/n as he retold a forest tale.

"The screaming abdab! It was terrifying!" She explained as I took a seat on the floor, next to her. 

"Yeah, the abdab! It screamed so loud it made us uncontrollably cry, the noise hurt so bad. The thing almost fuckin took out Y/n, but I wacked the fucker in the back of the head with a gigantic stick! And took it out!" Everyone was so intrigued. 

"Yeah, it hurt like hell, you had a good swing." I chimed.

"Hell yeah I did!" He chuckled, "And then I had to carry him all the way to Brendon's, cause I totally knocked him out. Back me up on this, Y/n." 

"He totally did, saved my life!" She giggled and put her hand over mine. 

"Yeah? Well you'll never guess what happened to us! This huge ass bird came and fucking attacked us!"

"No Frank," Ray sighed, "It attacked you." 

"Same difference!" 

"That makes no sense." Pete said.

"No you!" 

"Shut the fuck up, Frankie. All three of us know that bird went straight for you! You're the one that threw the rock!" Pete explained. 

"Fine! I threw a rock at it and it chased me, and then it yelled at me." Everyone laughed, even Frank had a little smirk on his face. This is good everything's back to normal, no weird demons, no drama, nothing; and everyone is happy, this is great... 

•~•The End•~•


Last chapter! Finally! Yay! It's over! This story was so fun to write and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Some spots I think coulda been written better, but that's what happens when you get grounded for three months. There's a lot I wanted to add to this story, but barely anyone's read it so I didn't see what the point was in dragging it on. Plus I mean they did what they needed to do in the story. They solved the problem, they defeated the beast. They got a happy ending. I hope you guys enjoyed this story. I wouldn't be surprised if I did another fic with the forest concept cause I love writing about it. But we'll see. This is the last sign off of the Forest/Lovely series. Have a lovely day~peace out cheesebags and stay away from screaming abdabs :)

Lovely (A Sequel To Down In The Forest) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now