Chapter three

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Rilyn wondered how long she'd been away from the house, she didn't know but she knew it was dark. She was paranoid because she had first heard Harry calling after her after she ran, she had taken a gun and knife with her and ran as fast as her legs would carry her. She had barely anything with her and needed to get away for good, she didn't even know where she was but she would find a friend or someone to stay with. "Damnit Rilyn, where the hell are you." She didn't know how long she could keep up with this but she recognized the voice, she was afraid but out of the five boys she trusted the blond boy Niall. She couldn't use a flashlight or anything knowing she would get caught, she tripped and fell then. She tried getting up and ended up falling again, her ankle had been badly twisted or broken. "Dang I can't be quiet." She did what she could cursing herself as she tried to run again, the burn in her legs getting unbearable, she couldn't walk and dragged herself trying all the more to be quiet.
"Rilyn I'm not going to hurt you, just tell me where you are and I'll take you home with me." She whimpered somewhat in fear as she heard the thick Irish accent coming closer to her, she wasn't going to trust any of these boys to save her life. She only wanted to get away from the torture she endured, sure she liked Harry and even loved him, but he was treating her poorly and she had lost weight. The more Harry had the others over the more she began to bond with Niall and Liam, Harry Louis and zayn were the trouble makers of the group. She coward in the dark trying to hide from Nialler, Rilyn dared not close her eyes but put her head in her knees. She looked up and felt someone put a hand around her mouth and picked her up, she didn't care if it was Niall, she was thinking fight or flight and bit him.

Misunderstood (Harry styles au)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora