The Hospital Wing

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For the rest of Sunday and Monday, Draco was in the Hospital Wing, Hermione was by his side every second she could be, she didn't eat or drink and she barely slept. When Monday came Ginny found her sleeping in a chair next to Draco. After getting cleaned up Draco had a swollen lip, a black eye, a broken nose, and internal bleeding, he hadn't woken up since the match. Ginny tapped her on the shoulder and told her that Potions was starting soon. She walked with Ginny down to the dungeons and into the classroom room. Hermione was skinny she hadn't eaten in 3 days, she was tired she hadn't slept for 2 days, her eyes were red and puffy, she had been crying for 2 days. "Okay, class today we will be doing some review, make your favorite potion you have until the end of the hour," Hermione took the easy route and did Polyjuice. Everyone seemed to do Amortenria because that was what they just did. The entire time all she could think about was Draco. She then went to Herbology and they studied Mimbulus Mimbletonia and how and why it uses its defense mechanism, again the whole time she could only think about Draco. For all of her classes no matter what they did all Hermione could think about was Draco. She went back to the Hospital Wing during lunch and just sat by his bedside holding his hand. The bell rang and she went do Defense Against the Dark Arts. She was the first one in there and Professor Krum was already there. "Ms. Granger can you come to my desk please," Hermione came up to his desk and he stood up and sat on the corner of his desk. "I noticed that Mr. Malfoy was injured greatly at a Quidditch match, and I've also noticed you two have started going out, now if something were to happen to the disgusting death eater," Krum continues in a very thick accent. "and you need a shoulder to cry on I'm here." Hermione scoffed and went to her seat in the back of the class. They studied boggarts as a review for their N.E.W.T.'s. As soon as the bell rang Hermione ran out of the room and headed for her next class. History of Magic was as boring as ever, they learned about the oger wars and how they happened. Her last class wasn't until midnight in the Astronomy Tower. So Hermione went back to the hospital wing to be with Draco. She sat down and grabbed his hand "Her-mio-ne?" Draco choked out. "Yes, it's me Draco I'm here," Hermione responded. Then Draco opened his eyes and looked at Hermione. She reached over and hugged him so hard, she then grabbed his face and kissed him multiple times over. Draco winced in pain and Hermione apologized. "Are you okay?" he asked. Hermione chuckled and rolled his eyes. "A few stitches and I was right as rain," Draco nodded. "What about Weasel?" Draco said. "He's still missing, apparently someone turned off the non-apparition barrier, I'm guessing Katie," Draco nodded. He scooched over to the edge of the bed and lifted the blanket he was under. She stood up and got in his bed next to him. Hermione still didn't sleep she just lied there and watched Draco sleep. She did this until 11:45. At that time she snuck out of his bed and went to the Astronomy Tower.

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