|8|The Most Awkward Class Ever

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The rest of my classes zoomed by in anticipation and fear of my meeting with Professor Krum. I again diverted from lunch and went to the defense against the dark arts classroom. I went up the spiraling stairwell and knocked on his office door, "Come in!" I heard yelled in a thick Bulgarian accent from the other side of the door.

I opened the door and when Krum saw me he stood up, "Hermione, please sit," he said gesturing to his chair.

I gave him a slim smile and sat down across from him, "What can I help you with Professor?" I asked.

"You probably remember my time here," he said shifting uncomfortably, "or our time together," he pieced together.

I looked down at my hands uncomfortably, "When I took this position, I didn't think it would be a problem. But now that I've seen you, seen how beautiful you are," he cleared his throat, "I was wondering if you would like to go out with me?" he asked.

I smiled and chuckled, "Um, Professor, I don't think of you that way anymore. And like I said, you're my professor, I don't think this would be good for either of our careers," I rambled on.

He got visibly angry, "GET OUT GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!" he yelled.

I grabbed my bag and ran out of the office. 

I ran as fast as I could back to my common room, only to see Draco sitting on the couch.

I caught my breath, "Hey?" he questioned.

I went over to the sink and poured myself a glass of water. I then explained everything to Draco, there was no use in hiding it. I flopped onto an armchair, "UH! I wanna skip, I don't wanna go back!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled, "Hermione Granger, wanting to skip class, that's new," he teased.

I rolled my eyes, "I'll tell you what, I'll stick with you during class and if he bothers you, he'll have me to answer to," he smiled.

I crooked my neck, "Thank you," I told him.

We looked at the clock and started to walk down to defense against the dark arts.

We sat down in the back of the room, "We will be continuing our work with Patronus's, if you had a partner yesterday, get with them," Krum said in a monotoned voice.

Draco and I both stood up and he looked nervous, "Just like we practiced," I said to him.

He took a deep breath, "Expecto Patronum," he whispered.

The same white and blue peacock came from his wand and danced around us. Krum looked at us with anger etched into every detail of his face, "Mr. Malfoy, would you care to demonstrate to the class?' he asked.

Draco looked at me with a concerned face, I nodded to him and he walked up to the front of the classroom and cast the charm perfectly. A smiled came across my face as the bell rang, he ran up to me and lifted me into a hug, "Thank you," he whispered in my ear.

I smiled and we walked out of the classroom.

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