| ASTRO | Imagine #10 - Jinwoo |

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Month Edition: March - 2020

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Month Edition: March - 2020.

Summary: Staying longer in Seoul for Sanha's birthday.


This month is one of the best ones yet, and you are excited about all the things to come. You already saw your friends after not being there for more than a couple of months, after all, you are studying outside Seoul, and even though you still in South Korea sometimes it is difficult to come here.

From both parts the affection was overflowing, they missed you and you absolutely missed them, and it was the best feeling ever to see that they haven't changed at all. They are still the playful and hardworking guys that you have been loving since the first day you met them at the restaurant. Yes, you met them casually and even though you knew about the group, you acted pretty normally around them.

A few days ago, JinJin had his birthday celebration with all his friends. He was excited to see you again celebrating with him since last year you couldn't be here for his birthday. So, you gave him the best gift ever but he always says that the best gift is you, which is something you would have to say to him too because there's no denial of how he makes you feel.

Even though JinJin's birthday has passed away, everybody asked you to stay for Sanha's too which you found like a very good idea. So, you decided to stay a little longer. Right now, there's no hurry for you to go, and you wanted to stay longer too so there wasn't much of a problem.

Currently, you are with all Astro members and the team at a photoshoot session. Eunwoo and Moonbin are taking his pictures in one room while MJ and Rocky are getting ready for theirs. On the other hand, JinJin and Sanha will be waiting for their turn after MJ and Rock. You are there with them waiting, but they are tired and you can see that clearly. Due to the heavy schedule, they had been doing since this morning, you can see JinJin and Sanha getting sleepily while being sitting down on the resting area.

-They are taking forever – JinJin complained.

-No, they aren't. you are just saying that because you are becoming inpatient – You smiled slightly while caressing his hair.

He's laying down against you, while you have him between your arms. He's lowly closing his eyes which makes you chuckle from time to time, after all, he doesn't want to fall asleep.

-Stop that, you know you want to sleep – You teased.

-Good try, but I won't – JinJin smiled sleepily before looking in front of him. -Baby, he slept – He pointed at Sanha.

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