Chapter 3

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Next thing I knew we were in the janitor's closet having a heated makeout session. 

"Jaden we can't do this. Not here." I said.

"What are you saying?" He asked fixing his bleached hair.

"We can't do this here. Not at school. Not ever." I said. 

"I like you Soph. I-" He got cut off from the bell ringing. 

"We should get to class." I said. I peeked out the closet and didn't see anyone coming so I snuck to my locker and grabbed my books and headed to class.

~After school~

I shut my locker and sighed. Addison walked up to me. 

"Ready to go to the practice?" She asked me. 

"Yeah. I'm afraid it might be awkward though." I said grabbing my phone from my back pocket.

"Why?" Addison asked. 

I checked the time and saw I still had 30 minutes until I had to be at practice. I grabbed Addison's hand and led her to the bathroom. I made sure no one was coming. "I don't know what happened during lunch but I was talking to Jaden out in the hallway and next thing I knew we were in the janitor's closet making out. He likes me Addison."

"Don't you like him too?" Addison asked sounding confused.

"Yeah I have for a while now." I told her. 

"Since we're admitting things, I think I should admit something too. Just please don't get mad."

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