He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "Fine, Sienna. I'll take it easy."

Honestly, you'd think he thought I was dumb not to see through his verbage.

"No, you will not just 'take it easy.' You will not do anything at all. That's an order."

With a smirk, he crossed his arms. "I believe I outrank you, Dr. Dreis. So I'm not sure why you see it fit to throw out 'orders.'"

"And I believe I am the one in charge of everything that has to do with the med wing and its patients. So really, who outranks who in this situation?" I asked smugly. I knew he wouldn't take well to being challenged around his peers, but his defiance was silly at this point. I heard Jo snickering off to the side, earning a glare from the commander. "That's what I thought. Just give me two days of rest and I'll give you the all clear, Commander Dameron." With a smile, I turned to Jo who was still holding in a laugh. "Joseph, since you've been cleared to work,  I'm sure you won't mind assisting him, right?"

The man faltered for a second and looked at me with wide eyes before sighing. "Yes, fine. I'll help him."

"Thanks," I said, giving him a bright smile before making my way towards the meeting room.

Little did I know I'd be eating my words the next day.

Early afternoon met us with surprising, yet welcome news. I was in the meeting room reading when a transmission came through from an ally on Takodana saying that they had spotted BB-8 with a group of people. I snapped my head up from my book, thinking I had misheard, but everyone started scrambling to lock in the transmission's location. Across the room I met Poe's gaze as he stood with General Organa. I made my way over to the pair, listening as we recieved to exact location of the droid along with news that the First Order was also on their way. Leia looked over to Poe who looked like he was about to bust out of his skin with excited energy.

"Commander Dameron, get your fleet ready and go to Takodana. Assuming you're okay to fly?" She asked as she looked over to me.

As much as I wanted him to go get BB-8 as soon as possible, I still had to check the pilot to make sure he was clear to fly. "Go ahead to the hangar Poe, I'll be out there in a minute." I said, but he was already halfway out of the door at that point, causing me to shake my head and smile.

"I'm glad he listens to at least one of us." Leia said with a laugh and a glint in her eyes. I could tell she was excited at the thought of finally having the knowledge to track down her brother after so long.

"I hope you aren't referring to me, Leia, because he certainly doesn't abide by my requests the majority of the time." I told her with a skeptical brow. "I'm going to go assess him quickly before they go, but he should be fine." She dismissed me with a nod before I made my own way to the hanger, finding Poe shouting orders to his squadron as he rushed around his own ship. Seeing him in his element made a big smile come to my face.

"Poe," I said as I got to him. "I need to check your ribs really quick."

"Doc I don't really have time to go to the wing right now." He quickly replied as he rushed by me with a flight suit in his hands that he set by the ladder. He spun back around, getting ready to pass me again before I stepped in his path.

"I can check you here. Humor me, pilot. What good are you if you're hurt? Come on." I grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it up to his chest. Looking at his surprised face, I let out a laugh. "I want you to get to BB-8 as quickly as I know you want to. This will only take a minute."

"Who can argue with a beautiful woman who is practically ripping my shirt off?" He gave me a sly smirk as I went behind him, rolling my eyes. His back matched his side with a slight green and yellow discoloration of a healing bruise. Pushing on it with my fingertips didn't elicit any reaction from the man as I circled back in front of him. I placed my right hand flat against the front left of his torso where his ribs were broken. Taking my left arm, I circled it around him to brace his back as I applied pressure from his front. He didn't even flinch as I held the pressure and looked up to him.

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