Chapter 2

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"You haven't heard?" asked Dixie.

"Heard what?" I asked.

"He has a girlfriend." She said. "He's dating Mads Lewis." 

Mads Lewis was the head cheerleader and one of the triplets. She was a Senior and had dated my brother, Bryce multiple times. Each time she would cheat on him. Any time she would date anyone, she would cheat on them. Jaden was too good for that and didn't deserve it.

"Oh." I said sadly.  Soon the bell rang and we headed into the auditorium. I sat down next to Addison and Avani. I looked sad and I knew I did. Jaden and my brothers friends sat across the auditorium from us. Soon I got a Snapchat from Jaden.

hey you okay?

not really tbh.

what's wrong?

i'll tell you later.


After the assembly we went to our lockers. I had most of my classes with Avani. 

"I'm sorry about Jaden." She said at lunch once we sat down. Jaden came over to me and asked when I was gonna tell him what was wrong. I told him to meet me in the hallway. 

~In the hallway~

"What's wrong?" Jaden asked.

I looked around to see if anyone could hear us or see us. "Look I don't really know how to say this but Jaden I'm in love with you. I have been ever since the day I met you. This summer that little thing we had, hanging out almost every day, meant everything to me. I just-."

Jaden cut me off. "Soph it meant everything to me too. Ever since I saw you at football, I knew there was something special about you."

"Then why are you dating Mads." I said.

"I'm not. Who told you that?" Jaden said.

"Stop lying to me Jaden. Just stop. I know everything I'm not stupid. I hope you know that she'll cheat on you just like she did to Bryce. Do you really want to go through that?" I said.

"No but I'm not dating her. Soph I've had my eyes on you and only you since I met you." He told me.

I was speechless. "Dixie said you were." I said. 

"Well I'm not. I'm waiting for you. I have been for a year now." He told me. Then I felt him pulling me towards himself. His hands were on my waist. Our lips were almost touching.

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