The Funniest Mom Jokes

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My mom thinks I need to stop objectifying women, I think she is overreacting.

She asked why I broke up with the last girl and I said

"It didn't work out."

She told me to be more specific so I said

"I just told you, she didn't exercise."


Kid: "Mom, am I ugly?"

Mom: "I told you not to call me mom in public."


I try to teach my mom something new everyday.

Because you're supposed to learn from your mistakes.


My mom laughed at me when I said I was going to build a car out of spaghetti.

You should have seen her face as I drove pasta.


My little sister made a face at my mom and said "Guess who I am?"

My mom answered "Who?"

"Your daughter"

courtesy of my 4 year old sister about 20 minutes ago


My mom used to tuck me in at night...

I think she really wanted a girl.


Mom I got a boyfriend!

Daughter: Mom I got a new boyfriend, our neighbour Joe.

Mom: But he could be your father!

Daughter: Age is not that important to me.

Mom: That's not what I was talking about...


I used to be scared of pretty girls,

So my Mom explained that was silly, because they're much more scared of me.


A pregnant teen and her baby is thinking the same thing...

"My mom is gonna kill me."


I told my girlfriend my mother is deaf...

So she would have to speak loudly and slowly.

I told my mom that my new girlfriend is disabled.

And now we wait.


birthday card

As i handed my mom her 50th birthday card today she said " One would've done"


What do Bernie Sanders supporters call their roommates?

Mom & Dad


They used to be called "Jumpolines"

...until your mom jumped on one back in 1972.


My mom used to feed me by saying: "Here comes the train!" I always ate everything.

Otherwise she wouldn't untie me from the tracks.


A boy is loudly praying, "God please give me a bicycle."

His mom asks, "why are you praying so loudly? God isn't hard of hearing."

The boy replies, "yes but grandma is."


I told my mom "Make me"

She said "I'm not going to make the same mistake twice"


A little boy kills a butterfly. Dad says, "No butter for one week!" The little boy kills a honeybee. Dad says, "No honey for one week!"

Mom kills a cockroach. The little boy turns to his dad and says, "Are you gonna tell her or should i do it?"


TIL that I was born exactly 9 months after my Dad's 32nd birthday...

and my mom gives awful birthday gifts.


When my mom told me to stop acting like a flamingo

I had to put my foot down.


For Mother's Day, I bought my mom new beads for her abacus...

It's the little things that count...


A police officer stopped my mom's car.

Officer: First name?

Mom: Frida

Officer: Last name?

Mom: Gomam

Officer: So you're Frida Gomam?

And my mom hit the accelerator.


A boy is studying for his geography quiz

His mom asks him:

"What is the capital of Germany?"

"Berlin", says the boy.

"What is the capital of France?"


"What is the capital of Russia?"


"You're so smart, Adolf, I know you'll do great on your quiz."

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