Chapter 4: Optimal Space Rift to the Mundane World

Start from the beginning

Light seeped in between the gaps that the pixels made. It became stronger and stronger until I saw nothing no more.

And darkness replaced light in my eyes. I heard a loud thud, probably it was the impact we made from the crash but I can’t tell since I cannot see for the following moments. Life became a blur and then nothing.

* * *

I can’t see anything. I am still completely blind. But soft murmurs are what I can hear all around me. I can’t decipher it because it was a lot of voices; I mean really, a lot. But one voice stood out the most and that is the one I only understand.

The voice came from a girl, I’m very sure of it and that girl’s voice sang a rhyme. I’m just glad it is not an elegy or I’ll kick her buttocks or even her premature face (what did I just think of?), if I can find her.

 Fifty pence spent on a clock

That can’t and can change time.

With a tear, a sword and the fall of gravity

Awoke the giant inside a cursed chime

By three swords, beige, blue and black

Clash head on, with blue bloods of ice

And as the night creeps twelve, where sins are sought

And to visit the year with no name

With the final deal spread on land

And the battle raged in its homeland

Lies one lie, an infliction and one rye

To make you drunk as blood rushes by.

Things are supernatural, never believe at once

‘Cause the small hole rips very wide on countenance

A curse, two victors, three swords, four words, five people

And finish a place, a step backward than seven.

It made no sense at first. A clock that can be bought that can and can’t change time? A year with no given name? Is that even possible? Curses, victors, swords, words and five people; what do they mean?

I just put that matter aside, for now. When I did, the voices disappeared.

Welcome to my life. Always intertwined with the influence of magic and will always make my life more confusing and more miserable.

I tried to open my eyes but it felt like that it’s been open for quite some time now. It ached as I tried to open it wider. I think my eyeballs have gone from white to red. Hopefully, it is not in that condition.

A spot of light then appeared, blinding my partial sight. I turned away from the light and let my irises refocus its channels to allow light to enter. My sight grew clearer and I looked at the light ball overhead. The ball of light released lines of light all around the black field, like a disco ball reflecting light, as the mundanes say.

Each ray of light that the ball spews contained numbers. Not the ones you find in algebra: x2, 99-100, 5i+100, and so on, but numbers as in real numbers (also not in the mathematical meaning.) I walked towards the ball of incandescence.

Although I don’t see my body, I moved forward. I observed more closely to each ray of light that it emitted.

1957. 2012. 0. 1993. 1293. 576. 29. 498. These are some of the numbers I saw.

I don’t know why numbers are shown within those releases. I slowly moved my hand just before the ray of light. When it touched my hand, the ray became a deep red emission of light. The ball did also manifest the same trait after a second had passed. I backed a bit to make sure I’m in a safe place if it explodes.

The rays move in an entangled dance of craziness and it began contracting into its shell, the ball of blue-green light. The ball rotated more rapidly as the rays became less and less evident. The ball stopped.

The bluer and greenish sphere was composed of particles of the said colors with hints of white and black in between them. The sphere exploded and went into waves in all possible directions but all of those waves led to one fixed location.

The masses of the particles begin to form the edge of a rectangle and by three seconds time, it became an irregular rectangle. Three things appeared all of a sudden: A pocket watch, ink and two drops of blood.

The three objects, in a coordinated manner, hit the irregular rectangle, which continually moves left and right. 

Light dominated once again from my sight but the rectangle was no longer there. Instead, a familiar object was replaced. It was the Codex of History.

* * *


The second part will be soon out.

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