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A/N: You guys better read this story to the end cause me and @siddhi_k1are going to pull as many all-nighters as we can to get this done by the end of June. Here's the prologue (cause we were too tired fully form the first chapter. Also, we are middle schoolers running on determination and willpower alone. So yeah.)

Day's POV

I stand at the entrance of the jewelry shop, waiting to pick up the custom ring I ordered for the wedding. I hear Tess calling and I answer her call.

"Where are you?" Tess screams in my ear. I wince, not expecting such loud volume.

"Front of Ring shop, about to go in. How's June?" I fiddle nervously with the coin pendant still hanging around my neck. June and the bridesmaids went on some sort of bachelorette party.

As if I was supposed to know what that meant. Tess practically forced me to get my stuff together, considering the fact that June won't be able to see any surprises I might plan. Tess laughs before answering.

"She's fine! Go back to what you're doing!" With that note, she hung up still quietly laughing to herself.

"Ok here goes nothing" I quietly whisper to myself as I walk into the glittering jewelry shop with my hand still nervously fiddling with my pendant. I have never been this nervous in my life. Well that shows how my life is. Yes I might have moved back to the Republic but there are still many horrible memories here. With that depressing thought, I walk right into the shop.

A young girl walks up to me with her head down"Hi sir what might you need help wi- OH MY GOD IT'S DAY THE ACTUAL DAY WING! " She starts screaming at the top of her lungs. She looks up at me in awe.

"Um... yeah I'm Day um..... so I have a custom ring ordered? I'm kinda in a hurry so.." I trail off

"Oh my god of course wait, that wedding ring is yours?!" She screams again "Wait is that for June???" She whispers like it's a big thing. Everyone already knows that me and June are engaged. The Republic's golden girl and the revolutionary starter getting together? We were probably on tabloid covers for weeks.

I still have a feeling that one of my best friends, Anden, still has feelings for June. Even though it's been years since they dated and he's married now. I shake off that feeling.

That girl interrupts me in my thoughts "It's right this way sir" still looking at me like I'm not real. Honestly, that's happened a lot even though I've only moved here two months ago,everyone knows who I am, the boy who saved the Republic.

I mean, I'm technically not supposed to be alive, but let's look over that fact. First of all, I was supposed to die when I was ten. My final purpose was supposed to be a testing subject.

Then there was my execution where my brother took my place in order to buy me and June some time. Everyone thinks that because I had the brain tumor that I was completely supposed to, ya know, die. Maybe I was but like everyone says I cheat death way too much but I guess it's one of my talents.

The girl takes me to a room in the back where an older man comes up to me and shakes me hand I firmly grip his hand and shake it "Hi Day" he formally nods his head to a seat as I slowly take a seat "So you are here for a ring" he asks with a bit of an accent

"Yes I am and I am in a bit of a hurry so maybe you could show me the ring so I can go somewhere.." I trail off again. Truth was, I still needed to pick up my suit and place a cake order. Tess would slap me if she found out that I didn't do it in advance.

"Of course" he says with a polite smile in his face and leads me to the counter where he lays out the ring it looks beautiful the band is the design of the paper clip ring I made June years ago and a diamond inside

"It looks beautiful" I say admiring it in my hands and then I put it back in the box and say "how much does it cost" I know it's gonna be expensive because it's custom. I came prepared.

"Well because you are THE Day Wing, we'll make the price half for ya" he says behind the counter

I stand there shocked "wait what no no I can't do that" I say still very surprised.

"No no it's fine you helped the Republic in a way that nobody could" He says, still smiling very politely.

I take his offer with a grain of salt. Would anyone have done that for me if I was still a poor street con? Nope. Just two years of teenage rebellion and BAM I'm suddenly a popular celebrity.

"Full price but donate half of it to a charity helping lower class citizens." I finally made a decent decision . It's kinda hard to read the man's face,I'm getting hints of maybe annoyance, but he agrees with me.

"Deal." I hand over the payment and he gives me the ring in its little gold velvet box. I thank him for business even though he seemed a bit stuck up and snobby.

There. At least I was getting one step closer.

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