part 2 LOL

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A/N: Hi so I'm with my friend who wrote this with me, we found the book in our google docs and we wanted to publish the next chapter without editing or updating jasghajhgdj

June's POV:

I stood there fumbling with my hair, trying to arrange the array of flowers Tess told me to put in my hair. I had just pinned on the last baby's breath flower when Tess came back into the room to help me with my makeup.

She was wearing a beautiful silky white dress which swished around her legs as she walked. She looked like all the other bridesmaids except for the fact that she had the biggest rose corsage. Today was the wedding and I'm scared out of my mind. I don't know what to do.

I'm never really that nervous or scared, but I haven't seen Day since three days ago. He said that he has a surprise and he knows that I don't like surprises at all. He assured me that I was going to like this one though.

Tess reached me and went straight to the big box of makeup sitting on the side table.

"Are you ready?" She asks. I groan.

"If someone asks me that question one more time, I'm going to shoot someone" I reply. Tess laughs awkwardly looking scared. She probably thinks i actually might shoot her and considering what's gonna happen in a little i just might to calm the nerves.

I begin applying my foundation while Tess looks at my dress, a gold long shimmery dress that's very flowy and silky trying to find a color that would compliment it.

It seems that she decided on a glittery gold and some red eyeshadow. She motioned for me to close my eyes. I did as she said and I closed my eyes while her delicate hands applied the makeup. It was really easy to sit still, considering I was trained to do so when I was in university.

After Tess finished applying the eyeshadow, I opened my eyes. She didn't let me look yet so I closed my eyes again. I felt the eyeliner applicator brush over my eyelid as I heard Pressa and Maria walk into the room.

"Hey" Maria and Pressa say at the exact same time. The soft clap of their mini heels stopped and I heard the squish of them sitting on the couch.

"Hey guys" I say while I feel Tess brush the mascara wand on my thick eyelashes. I try to open my eyes but I realize that Tess was still doing my makeup.

"Sooo, how ya feeling about the big day?" Pressa inquires while still sitting on the couch behind me.

Eden brought her to Los Angeles two months ago, and ever since then, it seemed that Pressa has been happier and recovering from her father's death.

I get up from the table when Tess finishes my hair and makeup.Tess insisted on being the wedding coordinator and she was super pumped for the wedding. She turns back to face me, and says the phrase that I was both elated, but frightened to hear.

"We're ready" She says, obviously scared herself you can see it in her face and hands her hands were trembling and her face was sweating but I really don't know why cause shes not the one getting married

Then I hear tess open the door and people whispering quietly and gasp while looking at my dress. I know that it's actually time to marry the love of my life.

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