1- Who's in Charge

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"Lou! You do this every time."

"Hazza, I think you're making a huge deal about nothing."

Louis began to massage the Demon King's back, stroking his hair in an attempt to distract him from the conversation. They were having a little quality time before their next guess arrived and Harry was feeling a bit uneasy.

"Every time we get a new member to our team here in Hell to be tortured and prodded, I try to look fearsome for appearance sake, and you undermine me at every turn!" he cries, pleas falling on love-struck, deaf ears.

Using his power to stand at a staggering 9'0, it was easy to engulf fear into the hearts of the mortal souls who'd been damned to the fiery pit.

However, when Louis lingered behind him during introductions, he'd always make a show of touching the Demon and throwing in phrases like "Sugar plum" and "Princess", totally ruining Harry's first introduction and making him look weak.

Harry's size depended on his state of mind. If he felt tall and powerful, then his body would sustain the height increase. Yet, when Louis referred to him by any of their bedroom names, or even the pet names Harry has grown to love so much, he'd blush and shrink, even down to the tiniest size like that of a field mouse. Now that only happened a handful of times, but mostly, he'd shrink to be at least 3'0 tall, which wouldn't even strike fear in the heart of an infant.

Truth be told, Harry was weak, in a sense, but he didn't want his prey to know this. He's Satan! He can't be exposed for being a crybaby or a princess or a sugar plum or any of that along those lines. His father, the one who ruled before him, would tear Harry's soul to shreds if he found out his offspring was anything less than pure evil.

"Tell Daddy how to help you, baby," Louis coos into his ear, as persistent as always. "You know you're my queen."

There it was. It was happening again.

Harry could feel himself getting smaller, but he loved feeling little and babied when no one was around. He loved being Louis' baby.

Truth be told, Louis and Harry should never have met and fallen in love.

Louis was born a mortal soul, damned to Hell only to be taught a lesson by God for smart-mouthing Him. Louis was sent down as a joke, and was immediately meant to be brought back to heaven, until he laid eyes on the beautiful Devil.

It had been a while, a couple years ago, but Harry could recall Louis wolf whistling, breathing something along the lines of "If this is the type of men you have down here, Hell and I will get along just fine."

And that was that.

Shocking, isn't it?

"You can't call me that," Harry sputters, blushing. "Someone may hear."

"It's our bedroom, Love, no one can hear us." He takes a whiff of Harry's scent, a familiar lust in his eyes. "I could f*ck you through the rest of the evening."

Well, maybe not all that shocking, as Louis always said what was on his mind. Harry always found that so sexy.

As Louis leaves marks down his neck that he'll surely regret later, Harry realizes that maybe Lou was meant to be here in Hell all along, as he carries the wicked charm that only demons are known to possess.

Harry cranes his neck for Louis' benefit, and Louis marks him more.

"You need to respect me in front of others."

Louis halts.

"How could you say I don't respect you? I just love you, that's all."

"Lou Lou, it's not about that," Harry faces Louis and intertwines their fingers. "I have a reputation to uphold. You must address me properly while in the presence of new comers."

Louis lets out an exasperated sigh. "You need to stop worrying about what your father would say or think. He is no longer ruler, babe, you are."

A knock comes to the door.

"You have a visitor," purrs their apprentice, Candy, on the other side of the door. Her physique of curves and shapes and long dark red hair can be enough to tempt even the gayest of demons.

But not these two. No way in Hell.

"Hold them off for a few!" Louis answers back, annoyed at the interruption.

Harry folds his arms.

"I am the ruler of Hell! I give the orders," Harry pouts once his flames cool down.

Louis' eyes grow wide, then lax.

"Candy, I said we'll be a few. Run along," he says, low and stern enough to make her scamper away on the other side.

Harry visibly tenses, heat pooling in his stomach as Louis gives him a look. Louis' eyes have darkened completely as he carefully takes Harry's chin in his hand, pulling him so that their faces are a centimeter apart.

"I think you're forgetting who gives the orders to whom here."

Louis' pointy tail lengthens to wrap around the base of Harry's silky red shirt, while Harry's immediately stills. With that, Louis is undressing Harry and marking his whole body with delicate ease, making Harry harden and whine.

"Quiet, you."

"B- but Louuu. I'm the Devil. I should be making the decisions." It comes out more of a whine than a demand.

Louis scoffs, a smirk seeping past his lips.

"Then I'll let you decide," he whispers, picking the King up and wrapping his legs round Louis' waist. "You want me to do you against the wall, or on the dresser?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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