Part 1

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"Baby" I Jumped up, drunk from sleepiness, murmuring to myself as I sit up and look around, seeing- well nothing- I groan and lay back down trying to fall asleep listening to Tori's snore's next to me. It's dark- late or early, I finally began dozing off again.

"Chloe, Baby." My eyes open wide I know that voice, and my vision instantly gets blurred by tears.

"Mom?"I sit up, looking around hoping for at least a glance.

"Outside."I hear, from, well you guessed it, outside, I walked out the back door, and saw- Nothing, Absolutely nothing.

And I- I lost it I think, I blacked out.

I felt someone pinning me down, I opened my eyes and saw Derek's face above mine.

"D-D-Derek?" I questioned not being able to move wiggling.

"Uh, are you gonna stop hitting me now?"He asked, that's when I got a good look at his face and saw the blood running down his nose, my eyes widened, already blurring with tears.

"I-I-I I didn't mean, I-" I kept blabbering like an idiot.

"Slow down, Chloe, please? It's okay, I'm not hurt hurt."He looked concerned not because of his nose, but because of me.

"W-what happened?" He got off of me and pulled me up, keeping his arms around me- it was slightly chilly outside.He placed his head on mine, pressing my face into his chest.

"I woke up to you calling your mom, then I heard you crying outside, I walked out and you were shaking, hitting the concrete, mumbling to yourself, I tried to stop you but you kept hitting me, so I had to pin you down, I'm sorry if I hurt you Chloe."I looked down at my hands and had pretty bad scrapes all over them.

"I- I thought I heard my mom, I guess when I didn't see her I-I lost it."Derek sighed and looked up, he saw something and perked up.

"Hey, wanna dye your hair?"He grinned and I nodded, grinning back.

It was actually not night time, it was around six am, just dark out, he pulled my across the street both of our hoods up, to a beauty supply store, the dead eyed cashier (Around my age actually) greeted us and we asked about the things we needed, I thought she'd be kinda mean but she wasn't, just tired, she lead us too the bleach isle and assessed my hair.

"Whaz you're natural hair color?" She asked Fluffing my hair.

"Blonde, strawberry blonde, I was thinking of going red, not too dark, maybe?"she squinted and grabbed down a bag and a bottle.

"I think you should go with a dark root and paler red, not to bright y'know?Err, you probz don't know how to do that, um, I can do it for you upstairs for twenty-five bucks with the additional price of the dye n' stuff." I looked at Derek and he nodded.

Next thing I knew I was upstairs getting bleach placed around up to two inches of my scalp, which is where she placed a dark brown dye, she placed the bleach in  these foiled things and rolled them all up and put a plastic thing over my head and turned on heat lamps. a little bit later he washed all that out and blow dried my hair, it was dark in like an ombre to blonde, a bleach blonde, she placed the red dye in my hair and waited around thirty minutes and washed it out, she trimmed my hair (which was much needed) and dried and styled it. I looked in the mirror and was shocked, I- I looked like a-

"You look like a model."Derek said from behind me.

He was right, it looked good on me, we paid and left, we came back to the motel and sawall of our companions outside not looking exactly happy with the fact we left.

"Chloe Saunders!"Aunt Lauren shouted, looking the least happy.

"Woah, sick hair Chloe." Simon said, not looking very mad anymore.

Tori straight up grinned and started chattering about how good my hair looked and where did I get it done and stuff of that sort, Kit just looked peeved.

"Chloe, Derek where were you?" Kit said, with a slight shout to his voice.

Derek pulled Aunt Lauren and Kit aside, while Tori began chatting about my hair.

"So the place across the street did it? it looks so good, like, on another level, so much better than that dry black," She groaned rolling her eyes at the idea like I was gonna go back to that horrid shade.

"Chloe that's a real good look on you." Simon smiled at me, I smiled back.

"Thanks." I saw the three coming back looking a lot less pissed.

"Chloe." Aunt Lauren called me, pulling me aside with Kit.

"Chloe, Honey, we're worried, what happen this morning?" she took my hand while Kit nodded. So I told them. Aunt Lauren sighed and wrapped her arms around me .

"I'm sorry, Chloe, but you can't just run off like that, you could have gotten us all caught, do you understand?" I nodded, feeling like a child again.

Then Kit spoke up, "I think we should move on."

Aunt Lauren agreed.

We went to the motel room while Tori talked about how she wanted her hair and if we could stop by the beauty supply store and get our hair done. Aunt Lauren said her and kit would talk about.

In the end it just made sense that we did, to look different so we wouldn't get caught.

Simon got his hair bleached, he's now a platinum blonde, Derek got his hair dyed white with dark roots, which looked oh so good on him, Tori got that blonde she wanted, having an ombre similar to mine. Aunt Lauren got her hair dyed brown, it looked nice. and kit got the same color as Simon.

We all looked pretty different.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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